{"id":497566,"date":"2024-01-26T19:00:00","date_gmt":"2024-01-27T00:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platohealth.ai\/sexual-dimorphism-in-melanocyte-stem-cell-behavior-reveals-combinational-therapeutic-strategies-for-cutaneous-repigmentation-nature-communications\/"},"modified":"2024-01-27T07:47:27","modified_gmt":"2024-01-27T12:47:27","slug":"sexual-dimorphism-in-melanocyte-stem-cell-behavior-reveals-combinational-therapeutic-strategies-for-cutaneous-repigmentation-nature-communications","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/platohealth.ai\/sexual-dimorphism-in-melanocyte-stem-cell-behavior-reveals-combinational-therapeutic-strategies-for-cutaneous-repigmentation-nature-communications\/","title":{"rendered":"Sexual dimorphism in melanocyte stem cell behavior reveals combinational therapeutic strategies for cutaneous repigmentation – Nature Communications","gt_translate_keys":[{"key":"rendered","format":"text"}]},"content":{"rendered":"

Tracking recruitment of hair follicle McSCs to the epidermis by UVB on non-pigmented mouse dorsal skin<\/h3>\n

Several excellent mouse models of vitiligo have been established to study T cell autoimmunity against epidermal melanocytes21<\/a>,22<\/a>,23<\/a><\/sup>. In addition to eliminating CD8\u2009+\u2009T cell activity, replenishing the epidermal melanocyte population to regain pigmentation is another important aspect of vitiligo therapy. However, existing models of vitiligo are not ideal for studying the mechanisms of hair follicle McSC activation and migration for epidermal translocation. In one model, overexpression of Kitl (Stem cell factor) results in artificially high levels of melanocyte localization to the epidermis, thus potentially obscuring data to be collected for the natural UVB-induced process of translocation, as it would occur in human patients21<\/a>,22<\/a><\/sup>. In another, auto-immunity results in induced follicle McSC loss and hair graying23<\/a><\/sup>, such that the reservoir of McSCs is significantly depleted or no longer exists, thus eliminating the source of translocating melanocytes. In this study, we primarily focus on determining methods to promote epidermal melanocyte repopulation. Thus, we chose adult homeostasis of C57Bl\/6 wildtype mice as a model to understand the mechanisms of UVB-induced stimulation of McSC activation and migration.<\/p>\n

McSCs of the murine dorsal skin are located exclusively within the hair follicle stem cell niche (the bulge) and are not present in the IFE, similar to the distribution of skin melanocytes affected in human vitiligo patients. To visualize cutaneous McSCs, we utilized Dct-rtTA; Tre-H2B-GFP<\/i> (DG<\/i>) mice18<\/a>,24<\/a><\/sup>, in which McSC and differentiated melanocyte nuclei are labeled by H2B-GFP (Histone2B-Green Fluorescent Protein) following doxycycline administration25<\/a><\/sup> (Fig. 1A<\/a>). To induce McSC migration to the IFE, we shaved the hair from the dorsal skin and irradiated with UVB (280\u2013315\u2009nm, dosage 2.2\u2009J\/m2<\/sup>) three times at 8 weeks of age (Fig. 1A<\/a>). This procedure results in a robust number of migrated melanocytes (Fig. 1B<\/a>), but does not induce McSC DNA damage, or significant apoptosis 24\u2009h (24\u2009h) post irradiation (Supplemental Fig. 1A, B<\/a>). These data are consistent with previous studies showing that short wavelength UVB exhibits low penetration through the epidermal layer26<\/a><\/sup>, and indicate that McSC migration is likely not regulated by McSC DNA damage or related to wound healing14<\/a>,27<\/a><\/sup>.<\/p>\n

Fig. 1: Tracking recruitment of hair follicle McSCs to the epidermis by UVB on unpigmented mouse dorsal skin.<\/b><\/figcaption>

A<\/b> Schematic diagram of Dct-rtTA; Tre-H2B-GFP<\/i> (DG) mouse model (top), UVB irradiation timeline (bottom). B<\/b> Representative images of longitudinal skin sections at different time points following UVB irradiation. Arrowheads denote McSCs, and dashed lines indicate the boundary between the epidermis and dermis. n<\/i>\u2009=\u20093 males for each time point. C<\/b> Tyr-CreER; Rosa26-lsl-tdTomato<\/i> (TT) mouse model and imaging timeline. D<\/b> Representative 3D rendered whole mount live skin image (left). Top-down (X\u2013Y) perspective of raw images with the horizontal section view (X-Z) taken on the same area of skin at day 7 and day 8 (right). Red signal indicates tdTomato fluorescence (melanocytes); green signal indicates collagen SHG autofluorescence (skin tissue). 1\u20133 labels the locations of the same group of hair follicles. Enlarged images are the vertical view (Y-Z) of the area in the center of yellow cross. n<\/i>\u2009=\u20093 males for each time point. E<\/b> Schematic diagram of a dorsal-ventral view of whole mount dorsal skin and enlarged representative images (left). Representative images of whole mount dorsal skin images without UVB irradiation (top right) and with UVB irradiation (bottom right). As shown, without UVB irradiation, no H2B-GFP+<\/sup> McSCs located in the hair bulge were detectable, and only epidermal H2B-GFP+<\/sup> melanocytes were visible. F<\/b> Schematic diagram of hair follicle and McSC migration (left), and representative images of non-UVB and UVB-irradiated skin with longitudinal sections (middle) and transverse sections at the skin surface (10\u2009\u00b5m), middle (60\u2009\u00b5m) and hair bulge (120\u2009\u00b5m) depth. Keratin-14 (K14) labels keratinocytes in the interfollicular epidermis and hair follicles. Arrowheads indicate H2B-Gfp+<\/sup> melanocytes. Dashed lines indicate the hair follicles. n<\/i>\u2009=\u20093 males for no UVB and 13dp UVB group. Scale Bar: 100\u2009\u00b5m. Mouse model diagrams were created with BioRender.com (A,<\/b> C<\/b>).<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Full size image<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div>\n

The dynamics of McSC egress from the hair follicle niche and subsequent migration to the IFE following UVB irradiation are not well documented. To better understand this process and ultimately use this information to generate a signaling model that potentially includes multiple cutaneous cell types, we first interrogated UVB-induced McSC migration by fluorescence imaging. Following UVB exposure, we collected skin through a time course leading to maximal McSC appearance within the IFE and found that the first translocated McSCs could be identified on the day of the third UVB irradiation (day 5) (Fig. 1B<\/a>). Following this, the number of translocated McSCs continued to increase until the endpoint on day 13.<\/p>\n

Sectioned tissues only show snapshots of McSC migration amongst cells, but cannot directly demonstrate the migratory path of a single cell at differing timepoints14<\/a><\/sup>. To define the McSC migration path in vivo, we used Tyr-CreER; LSL-tdTomato<\/i> (TT<\/i>) mice to lineage trace McSCs by intravital imaging28<\/a>,29<\/a><\/sup>. By taking advantage of two-photon microscopy, which provides high-depth penetrating visualization without invasive procedures, we mounted live TT<\/i> mice under the microscope to monitor McSC migration from the same hair follicle once per day over three days, starting at day 6 post UVB exposure (Fig. 1C<\/a>). Skin tissue contains a significant amount of collagen which generates a strong SHG (second harmonic generation) autofluorescence signal, shown with green pseudocolor. However, since cells are not present within the hair shaft tunnels, hair follicles can be detected by black holes in the images. Collagen autofluorescence combined with hair shaft tunnels was used to indicate the edges surrounding the hair follicles. All migrating melanocytes were found associated with hair follicles. Moreover, visualizing and monitoring a single McSC over one day showed distinct translocation from the middle of the hair follicle at day 7 to the epidermal surface at day 8 (Fig. 1D<\/a>). In summary, McSCs receive signals that transmit UVB exposure information, and it requires several days for McSCs to begin and progress through proliferation and migration process along the epithelia of the bulge to the IFE.<\/p>\n

At the collection timepoint, H2B-GFP+ melanocytes appear on the surface of the skin (Fig. 1E, F<\/a>), whereas prior to irradiation, only autofluorescence from hair shafts is apparent. This observation suggested to us that leveraging the restricted imaging depth of an optical microscope to capture melanocytes that had translocated to the epidermis could facilitate better analysis and quantification across the entire UVB-irradiated area. To confirm the surface GFP+ signal was originating from translocated epidermal melanocytes and not hair bulge McSCs, we first examined longitudinal and transverse sections at day 13. Though hair bulge McSCs are visualized at a deep transverse section depth in both UVB and non-UVB skin, surface-depth transverse sections mirrored the pattern seen in whole mount, in which no GFP+ cells were evident in the non-UVB context (Fig. 1F<\/a>). To further determine whether whole-mount visualization captures migrating McSCs, we utilized Lgr6-CreER; lsl-tdTomato<\/i> mice. Lgr6 marks hair follicle cells above the hair bulge and sebaceous gland30<\/a><\/sup>, a region that is often occupied by migrating McSCs following UVB-irradiation (Fig. 1B<\/a>). tdTomato fluorescence on whole mount did not show the surface pattern identified through transverse section analysis and did not allow for focus on Lgr6+ cells that are found near the sebaceous gland (Supplementary Fig. 1C<\/a>), confirming that only surface-level melanocytes are quantified by optical microscopy and demonstrating the utility of this method.<\/p>\n

Additionally, to determine if epidermal McSCs are produced from an increased McSC pool generated through proliferation and migration from the bulge, we administrated 5-Ethynyl-2\u2032-deoxyuridine (EdU) to UVB-irradiated DG<\/i> mice four times per day, beginning at day 3. Skin was collected from day 4 to day 8 and McSCs that were located between the bulge and the IFE were identified as migrating melanocytes. McSCs that had undergone proliferation were identified as GFP+<\/sup>EdU+<\/sup> cells (Supplemental Fig. 1D<\/a>). By sectioning the skin and quantifying the melanocytes associated with hair follicles, we found that within this time window, there was a consistent percentage of migrating melanocytes associated with each hair follicle (Supplementary Fig. 1E<\/a>). Thus, we conclude that the melanocyte population found in the IFE following UVB exposure arises due to McSC proliferation and migration originating from the hair follicle bulge.<\/p>\n

Male mice exhibit increased McSC migration due to heightened skin inflammation<\/h3>\n

Human studies have found an association between lentigo maligna (a subtype of melanoma) and UV in men, but not in women31<\/a><\/sup>, suggesting that melanocyte activities may differ between sexes. Additionally, there is a higher melanoma incidence rate in older men compared to older women32<\/a>,33<\/a><\/sup>. Given this, we stratified our migration data based on sex. Surprisingly, we found that McSC migration efficiency was indeed different between the genders of mice. Male mice have a strikingly higher migration rate than females (Fig. 2A<\/a>).<\/p>\n

Fig. 2: Male mice exhibit increased McSC migration due to heightened skin inflammation.<\/b><\/figcaption>

A<\/b> Representative images of UVB-irradiated male and female skin 13 days following initial exposure (left) (n<\/i>\u2009=\u20095 mice for males; n<\/i>\u2009=\u20095 mice for females), and quantification (right). Quantification was performed by averaging the migrated melanocytes from at least 6000 hair follicles in each mouse. B<\/b> Volcano plot of gene expression level changes between no-UVB and 6\u2009h after third UVB (day 5) in male and female mice. Threshold: |log2FoldChanges|\u2009>\u20091, \u2212log10 (pvalue)\u2009>\u20092. n<\/i>\u2009=\u20094 male mice for UVB, n<\/i>\u2009=\u20094 male mice for no-UVB, n<\/i>\u2009=\u20094 female mice for UVB, n<\/i>\u2009=\u20094 female mice for no-UVB. C<\/b> Venn diagram showing the differentially upregulated genes following the threshold denoted in (B<\/b>), in males and females. D<\/b> Expression level of all differentially expressed genes in male and female samples. X and Y axes indicate the gene\u2019s lfc in females and males. E<\/b> Selected Gene Ontology terms of GSEA analysis by comparing fold changes in relative gene expression in no-UVB control males and females. NES Normalized Enrichment Score. F<\/b> Flow cytometry plots show CD11b+<\/sup> Ly6G+<\/sup> neutrophils, F4\/80+<\/sup> Ly6C\u2212<\/sup> macrophages, and F4\/80–<\/sup> Ly6C+<\/sup> infiltrating monocytes from irradiated mouse skin collected on day 3. G<\/b> Quantification of each cell type as a percentage of total CD45+<\/sup> immune cells. n<\/i>\u2009=\u20094 for each gender. H<\/b> Experimental timeline for UVB irradiation under Imiquimod treatment. I<\/b> Representative McSC migration images collected at 13 days following initial UVB exposure under control (Vani, Vanicream) and Imiquimod (IMQ) treatment (left), and quantification on both male and female mice (right). At least 6000 follicles per mouse were quantified. n<\/i>\u2009=\u20094 for Vani-treated males, n<\/i>\u2009=\u20094 for IMQ-treated males; n<\/i>\u2009=\u20094 for Vani-treated females, n<\/i>\u2009=\u20095 for IMQ-treated females. Scale bar: 100\u2009\u00b5m. Statistics: significance calculated by student t<\/i> test, two-tails with Welch\u2019s correction. Error bar: SEM (A<\/b>, G<\/b>, and I<\/b>).<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Full size image<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div>\n

To understand the unique responses to UVB irradiation between males and females, we collected whole dorsal skin from non-irradiated C57Bl\/6N male and female controls and at 6\u2009h following three UVB irradiations, a timepoint in which McSC proliferation and migration can be detected (Supplementary Fig. 1D<\/a>). Tissues were processed and bulk mRNA sequencing was performed. The sequencing data showed that 585 upregulated genes were statistically significant in males and 197 upregulated genes were statistically significant in females (Fig. 2<\/a>B, C, Supplementary Data 1).<\/a> Furthermore, within the 197 upregulated differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in females, 175 of them were shared with male DEGs, but presented higher fold changes (Fig. 2D<\/a>). Among these genes, we found many inflammatory response genes, including S100a9<\/i>, Ptgs2<\/i>, and Ccl2<\/i>.<\/p>\n

Cutaneous UVB irradiation results in both inflammation and immunosuppression34<\/a>,35<\/a><\/sup>. However, immunosuppression induced by UVB is primarily achieved through antigen-presenting and T-cell function36<\/a>,37<\/a><\/sup>, whereas the pro-inflammatory response induced by UVB is largely associated with innate immune cell activity. To illustrate the different responses to UVB irradiation between males and females while minimizing the effect of transcriptome differences due to sex (Supplementary Fig. 2A<\/a>), we calculated the logfoldchange (lfc<\/i>) for each gene between males and females and performed gene set enrichment analysis. Gene Ontology analysis shows that male mice display profound keratinocyte differentiation, indicative of epidermal hyperproliferation, and a stronger inflammatory response (Fig. 2E,<\/a> Supplementary Fig. 2B<\/a>). To demonstrate at the cellular level that males present a stronger inflammatory response than females, we collected male and female UVB-irradiated skin at day 3, when neutrophils and macrophages are actively recruited to the skin (Supplementary Fig. 2C<\/a>). Both neutrophils and monocyte infiltration are indicators of acute inflammation38<\/a><\/sup>. Thus, we digested the irradiated skin and performed flow cytometry to quantify the influx of these two populations (Fig. 2F<\/a>, Supplementary Fig. 2D<\/a>). We validated infiltration of neutrophils (CD45+<\/sup>, CD11b+<\/sup>, Ly6G+<\/sup>) and monocytes (CD45+<\/sup>, CD11b+<\/sup>, Ly6G\u2212<\/sup>, Ly6C+<\/sup>) on skin collected at day 3. As expected, more neutrophils and monocytes were present in male skin compared to females (Fig. 2G<\/a>). To determine if infiltrating innate immune cells regulate McSC migration, we performed the same irradiation procedure on NSG immunocompromised male and female mice, which show impaired myeloid cell recruitment compared to C57Bl\/6N wildtype mice (Supplementary Fig. 2E<\/a>). No difference in McSC migration was detected between sexes in NSG mice, demonstrating the importance of infiltrating immune cells in facilitating this phenotype. Interestingly, most NSG animals barely showed any McSC migration (Supplementary Fig. 2F<\/a>).<\/p>\n

Very interestingly, both post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation have been reported in human patients39<\/a>,40<\/a><\/sup>, indicating a role for inflammation in altering melanocyte and McSC activities. Our previous study showed decreased McSC migration following irradiation with concurrent dexamethasone treatment, an anti-inflammatory drug20<\/a><\/sup>. Thus, to determine if an increase in inflammation due to other means could enhance UVB-induced McSC activation and migration, we applied the pro-inflammatory agent imiquimod to irradiated dorsal skin. Imiquimod is a well-established topical agent that induces skin inflammation41<\/a><\/sup> by activating Toll-like receptor 7 to generate a psoriasis-like condition in mice42<\/a><\/sup>. To promote skin inflammation while not inducing the psoriasis phenotype, we applied 5% imiquimod cream on the UVB-irradiated area following the first and second UVB irradiation (Fig. 2H<\/a>). Imiquimod with UVB significantly increased the migration rate compared to vehicle controls, while imiquimod without UVB did not induce melanocyte epidermal translocation (Fig. 2I<\/a>, Supplementary Fig. 2G<\/a>). Taken together, our data indicate that male mice show a significantly increased inflammatory response compared to females and that increased inflammation by imiquimod can promote a higher number of migrated McSCs induced by UVB irradiation, while imiquimod-induced inflammation alone is not sufficient to elicit McSC migration. It is worth noting that there are many case reports showing vitiligo-like depigmentation as a side effect of imiquimod application43<\/a>,44<\/a>,45<\/a><\/sup>. We suspect that, in the context of our study, short-term inflammation promotes McSC epidermal repopulation while long-term imiquimod treatment on genital skin could cause McSC exhaustion, or cytotoxic T-cell infiltration46<\/a><\/sup>. Our findings suggest an alternative perspective for understanding the depigmentation side effect of imiquimod administration.<\/p>\n

Single-cell profiling reveals a transition to macrophages with a pro-inflammatory signature after UVB irradiation<\/h3>\n

To systematically define and dissect the murine cutaneous inflammatory response using our UVB-irradiation protocol and identify potential mediators of McSC migration, we performed single-cell mRNA sequencing on control non-irradiated dorsal skin and on dorsal skin five days following UVB-irradiation, the same timepoint at which whole skin was collected for bulk RNAseq. Given our focus on the inflammatory response, CD45+ magnetic beads were used to enrich immune cells and increase single-cell resolution. Within these profiles, we successfully identified five macrophage sub-populations, neutrophils, Langerhans cells, mast cells, two T cell sub-populations, and non-immune cells such as keratinocytes, fibroblasts, and neurons (Fig. 3A<\/a>, Supplementary Fig. 3A<\/a>). We then re-clustered immune cells in isolation and found that six subtypes of macrophages were distinguishable (Fig. 3B<\/a>). Moreover, neutrophils, helper T cells, and early-stage T cells, but not cytotoxic T cells were enriched in UVB irradiated skin (Fig. 3C<\/a>).<\/p>\n

Fig. 3: Single-cell profiling reveals a transition to macrophages with a pro-inflammatory signature after UVB irradiation.<\/b><\/figcaption>

A<\/b> UMAP of single cell clusters derived from WT male no-UVB (WT_Ctrl, n<\/i>\u2009=\u20091) and WT male UVB day 5 (WT_UV, n<\/i>\u2009=\u20091). B<\/b> UMAP of all immune cells subclustered from cells shown in (A<\/b>). C<\/b> Cell composition of all immune cell types in WT_Ctrl and WT_UV. D<\/b> Visualization of marker gene expression in macrophage subpopulations. E<\/b> Pseudotime analysis of macrophage progression using Monocle 3. Starting timepoint is based on the expression of activation stage marker genes in (D<\/b>). The inflammatory path and phagocytic path were determined based on the expression pattern of Pro-inflammation and Complement & Phagocytosis marker genes in (D<\/b>). F<\/b> UMAP of immune cells based on sample. G<\/b> Volcano plot of expressed genes in all macrophages. Pro-inflammatory cytokine genes are highlighted. H<\/b> Violin plots showing Ccl2 and Cxcl2 mRNA expression levels in each immune subtype in WT control and WT UVB samples. I<\/b> Timeline of diphtheria toxin (DT) administration and melanocyte migration assay using Lysm-Cre; Rosa26-lsl-iDtr<\/i> mice. J<\/b> Representative images of Dct staining on DMSO and DT-treated mice (left), and melanocyte migration quantification (right). n<\/i>\u2009=\u20095 for DMSO and DT group. Arrowheads mark the migrated melanocytes. * marks autofluorescence from the stratum corneum. As the control group, Lysm-Cre; Rosa26-lsl-iDtr<\/i> mice were treated with DMSO. Statistics: Welch\u2019s t<\/i> test. Error bar: SEM (J<\/b>). Scale bar: 100\u2009\u00b5m.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Full size image<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div>\n

T cells have been identified as key players in epidermal melanocyte destruction in vitiligo patients and in a vitiligo mouse model5<\/a><\/sup>. However, following UVB irradiation, immunosuppression results from egress of the few T cells found in the dermis. Thus, T cells are unlikely to facilitate or promote McSC activation and migration in this context. In contrast, the UVB-mediated inflammatory response is generated by innate immune cells, including neutrophils and macrophages. Macrophages are the largest immune cell population found in inflamed skin tissue and they are key regulators of tissue homeostasis, damage repair, and regeneration (Fig. 3C<\/a>)47<\/a><\/sup>. Given their abundance, diversity and long-lived presence in the skin prior to and after UVB-irradiation, we further investigated the functional heterogeneities between different macrophage subpopulations in non-UVB and UVB-irradiated tissue.<\/p>\n

A recent study established a common framework for monocyte-derived macrophage activation, which included four macrophage activation paths in inflamed tissue: phagocytic, inflammatory, remodeling and oxidative stress48<\/a><\/sup>. Additionally, this published study used co-expression of Retnla<\/i> and Ear2<\/i> as unique markers of early-stage cells, and phagocytic macrophages were defined via high expression of macrophage alternative activation, complement cascade and antigen presentation markers (including Mrc1, C1qc, H2-Aa<\/i>). We applied these markers and used Monocle 349<\/a><\/sup> to analyze macrophages in our dataset based on activation phase (Fig. 3D, E<\/a>). We identified two distinct macrophage activation pathways: an inflammatory path and a phagocytic path. Next, we investigated how these two cell states were distributed across samples. We determined that cluster Macrophage_2 and _3 are unique macrophage populations found only in the UVB irradiated sample (Fig. 3F<\/a>), and that the Macrophage_2 population can be defined as the final stage of the inflammatory phase. Taken together, these data suggest that UVB irradiation alters the progression of macrophage activation, and that the irradiated skin microenvironment drives macrophage polarization towards the inflammatory path.<\/p>\n

Furthermore, by comparing the bulk mRNA expression profiles between macrophages from UVB-irradiated and control skin, we found that macrophages from UVB skin expressed increased pro-inflammatory marker expression, including Il1b, Tnf, Cxcl2, Ccl2<\/i>, and Cxcl1<\/i> (Fig. 3G<\/a>)50<\/a><\/sup>. To further investigate the cells expressing cytokines that recruit neutrophils and macrophages, we examined the expression level of Cxcl2 and Ccl2 in different immune cell types. Our analysis revealed increased Cxcl2 and Ccl2 expression in Macrophage_2-4 and neutrophils in the UV sample compared to the control sample (Fig. 3H<\/a>). Additionally, utilizing CellChat analysis, we identified communication between various immune cell types through Ccl and Cxcl signaling networks (Supplementary Fig. 3B<\/a>).<\/p>\n

To determine if macrophages are an important component of the pro-inflammatory microenvironment that promotes McSC migration, we bred Lysm-Cre<\/i> animals to the Rosa26-lsl-iDtr<\/i> mice to specifically deplete monocytes and macrophages through diphtheria toxin (DT) administration (Fig. 3I<\/a>). Following the same UVB irradiation procedure, we determined that DT-treated animals demonstrated less epidermal melanocyte migration compared with the DMSO-treated group (Fig. 3J<\/a>). Overall, we found that macrophages promote UVB-induced McSC migration and that irradiation drives more macrophages toward an inflammatory phenotype.<\/p>\n

Enhanced prostaglandin signaling in males regulates McSC migration<\/h3>\n

To further identify the potential molecular mediators that drive the pro-inflammatory microenvironment following UVB irradiation, and also to obtain a sex-specific expression profile, we interrogated the transcriptomic distribution of pro-inflammatory genes and pathways between males and females. Ptgs2<\/i> (the Cox-2 coding gene) and the downstream pathway member Ptges<\/i> (PGE2<\/sub> synthase) were uniquely identified as significantly upregulated in males, suggesting an enhancement in prostaglandin signaling (Fig. 4A<\/a>). Cox-2 and its downstream prostaglandins are well-known to be expressed and produced by macrophages under pro-inflammatory stimuli, such as LPS and IL-1, to mediate inflammatory responses51<\/a><\/sup>. Thus, we examined Ptgs2<\/i> expression in our single-cell dataset. As expected, Ptgs2<\/i> was expressed in pro-inflammatory Macrophage_2, as well as neutrophils, but not in phagocytic macrophages, indicating a mediator role for Cox-2 in promoting inflammation in this context (Fig. 4B<\/a>).<\/p>\n

Fig. 4: Enhanced prostaglandin signaling in males regulates McSC migration.<\/b><\/figcaption>

A<\/b> Volcano plot of differentially upregulated genes in female (left) and male (right) mice. Genes that belong to Acute Inflammatory Response are highlighted. B<\/b> Expression level of Ptgs2<\/i> in all immune cell subclusters described in Fig. 3B<\/a>. C<\/b> Log-fold gene expression changes in cyclooxygenases and select prostaglandin synthesis factors following UVB irradiation in males and females, from bulk mRNA sequencing data. *, **, *** indicates p.adjusts (apeglm shrinkage) are lower than 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, respectively. D<\/b> Antibody staining for Ptges2, Ptges3, Ptger2, co-stained with F4\/80 and DAPI on control skin collected at day 3. Co-localizations are indicated by circle. n<\/i>\u2009=\u20093 males. E<\/b> Schematic of Rosa26-CreER; Ptgs2<\/i>f\/f<\/i><\/sup> mouse model, created with BioRender.com. F<\/b> Representative images of McSC migration and quantification from Cox-2 global knockout mice compared to controls. n<\/i>\u2009=\u200910 male mice for control (Ctrl), n<\/i>\u2009=\u200914 male for knockout (KO). Ptgs2<\/i>f\/+<\/i><\/sup> or Ptgs2<\/i>+\/+<\/i><\/sup> were used as controls. Statistics: significance calculated by Welch\u2019s t<\/i> test. Error bar: SEM. Scale bar: 100\u2009\u00b5m.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Full size image<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div>\n

Furthermore, from our bulk RNAseq data on UVB-irradiated male skin, we identified a higher level of upregulation in Ptgs1<\/i>, Ptgs2<\/i>, Ptges, Ptges3<\/i>, and the arachidonic acid metabolism signaling pathway, all of which are necessary for production of prostaglandins molecules (Fig. 4C<\/a>, Supplementary Fig. 4A<\/a>). Ptgs2<\/i>\/Cox-2 has been shown to be expressed in epidermal keratinocytes as well after UVB irradiation, but not in non-irradiated skin52<\/a>,53<\/a><\/sup>. Conversely, Ptgs1<\/i>\/Cox-1 is thought to be ubiquitously expressed at low steady-state levels in most cell types, and is considered generally unresponsive to external stimuli such as UVB53<\/a><\/sup>.<\/p>\n

To determine if macrophages express Cox-2, as well as other genes in the PGE2<\/sub> signaling pathway, immunofluorescence staining on UVB-irradiated male skin was performed to screen for colocalization with PGE2<\/sub> synthases and receptors. We found that Ptges2, Ptges3, and Ptger2 colocalize with F4\/80 macrophages, suggesting that macrophages can act as both a source and target of PGE2<\/sub> signaling and may play a key role in regulating McSC activity (Fig. 4D<\/a>).<\/p>\n

To determine if the increased Cox-2 activity in males contributed to higher UVB-induced migration, we deleted Ptgs2<\/i>\/Cox-2 globally using Rosa26-CreER<\/i>, Ptgs2<\/i>f\/f<\/i><\/sup>; Dct-rtTA<\/i>, Tre-H2B-GFP<\/i>\u200954<\/a>,55<\/a>,56<\/a><\/sup> mice. As expected, we did see a significant decrease in McSC migration in global knockout male mice (Fig. 4E<\/a>), which is consistent with our previous study showing the administration of dexamethasone decreases UVB-induced McSC migration20<\/a><\/sup>. These data suggested that increasing Cox-2 activity might increase McSC epidermal migration, which could be useful for clinical applications.<\/p>\n

Increased cyclooxygenase expression escalates McSC proliferation and epidermal repopulation<\/h3>\n

To determine if increased Cyclooxygenase activity could be used to promote McSC activation and migration, we bred Rosa26-rtTA, Tre-Ptgs2<\/i> (RP<\/i>) mice57<\/a><\/sup>. In this model, rat Ptgs2<\/i> is overexpressed globally when mice are provided with doxycycline (Fig. 5A<\/a>). To confirm that this allelic combination worked as expected, anti-Cox-2 staining demonstrated overexpression in both epidermal cells and immune cells within the dermis (Fig. 5B<\/a>, Supplementary Fig. 5A<\/a>). To confirm that Cox-2 enzymatic activity is also increased in this model system, we isolated UVB-irradiated skin from control and RP<\/i> mice for ELISA analysis to quantify cutaneous prostaglandins levels. As expected for increased Ptgs2<\/i>\/Cox-2 expression, both PGE2<\/sub> and PGD2<\/sub> were significantly upregulated in RP<\/i> mice (Fig. 5C<\/a>, Supplementary Fig. 5B<\/a>). To determine how Cox-2 overexpression affects inflammatory responses, we collected skin from RP<\/i> mice on day 5 and examined immune cell infiltration by immunofluorescence staining. RP<\/i> mice showed increased neutrophil infiltration compared to control mice, as indicated by anti-Ly-6G and anti-S100a9 staining (Fig. 5D<\/a>, Supplementary Fig. 5C, D<\/a>)58<\/a><\/sup>. Interestingly, Cox-2 overexpression also significantly suppressed T cell, NK cell, and Langerhans cell presence (Supplementary Fig. 5E<\/a>), similar to the immunosuppressive functions of Cyclooxygenase activity demonstrated in some cancer tissues59<\/a>,60<\/a><\/sup>.<\/p>\n

Fig. 5: Increased cyclooxygenase expression escalates McSC proliferation and epidermal repopulation.<\/b><\/figcaption>

A<\/b> Schematic of Rosa26-rtTA; Tre-Ptgs2<\/i> (RP) mouse model (top), created with BioRender.com. Doxycycline administration and UVB irradiation timeline (bottom). B<\/b> Representative Cox-2 staining on Ctrl and RP skin on day 2. n<\/i>\u2009=\u20093 male Ctrl, 3 male RP, 3 female Ctrl, 3 female RP. C<\/b> ELISA quantification of PGE2<\/sub> extracted from the UVB irradiated skin area, collected at day 5. PGE2<\/sub> level was normalized by the tissue weight. n<\/i>\u2009=\u20095 mice for Ctrl and n<\/i>\u2009=\u20095 mice for RP. D<\/b> Representative Ly6G staining on Ctrl and RP skin collected on day 5. n<\/i>\u2009=\u20093 mice for Ctrl and n<\/i>\u2009=\u20093 mice for RP. E<\/b> Representative images of Dct staining from Ctrl and RP skin collected on day 13 (left) and quantification (right). CD49f staining indicates the boundary of epidermis and dermis (left). Ctrl: 6m,8f; RP:5\u2009m,5f. Migration rate was calculated by the number of epidermal melanocytes per frame. F<\/b> Schematic of McSC labeling and doxycycline induction timeline in RP mouse model crossed with Tyr-CreER, lsl-tdTomato<\/i> mice (TT, left). Representative images of Ctrl and RP whole-mount skin collected on day 13 (right). Each tdTomato-labeled red cell indicates one migrated melanocyte. n<\/i>\u2009=\u20094 (2 TT, 2 RP-TT) (G<\/b>) Timeline of melanocyte proliferation assay on TT and RP-TT mice. EdU was provided by I.P. injection every 6hs from day 3 until day 5. H<\/b> Representative images of tdTomato melanocytes co-labeled with EdU by Click-iT reaction (left), and quantification (right). Arrows indicate the colocalized cells. Male: n<\/i>\u2009=\u20093 mice for Ctrl, 3 mice for RP. I, K<\/b> Timeline of Cox2 overexpression induction and melanocyte migration assay in KLP<\/i> and MLP<\/i> mice. J, L<\/b> Representative images of migrated melanocytes and quantification. Arrowheads mark epidermal melanocytes. * marks autofluorescence from the stratum corneum. Male: n<\/i>\u2009=\u20093 for Ctrl, n<\/i>\u2009=\u20094 for KLP<\/i>. Male: n<\/i>\u2009=\u20098 pairs; Female: n<\/i>\u2009=\u20095 pairs for MLP<\/i>. Rosa26-rtTA<\/i> allele-only or Tre-Ptges2<\/i> allele-only were used as controls. Statistics: each individual dot in all panels indicates the averaged quantification from one mouse (C, E, H, J<\/b>), with significance calculated by Welch\u2019s t<\/i> test. In (L<\/b>), significance was calculated by paired t<\/i>-test. Error bar: SEM. Scale bar: 100\u2009\u00b5m.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Full size image<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div>\n

To define how McSC migration rate changes in RP<\/i> mice, RP<\/i> and control animals were provided doxycycline one day prior to UVB, followed by the irradiation protocol detailed above. Dorsal skin was collected, sectioned, and stained for Dopachrome Tautomerase (Dct), a label for McSCs and differentiated melanocytes. As expected, RP<\/i> mice showed significantly higher epidermal melanocyte translocation after UVB irradiation, in both male and female groups (Fig. 5E<\/a>). Additionally, McSC migration was not detected in non-UVB irradiated RP<\/i> skin (Supplementary Fig. 5F<\/a>). To visualize melanocytes in whole tissue, we crossed RP<\/i> mice with Tyr-CreER, lsl-tdTomato<\/i> (TT<\/i>) animals. A whole mount view of RP-TT<\/i> skin showed significantly higher epidermal melanocytes compared to wildtype TT<\/i> control mice, consistent with the results from quantified sections (Fig. 5<\/a>F).<\/p>\n

To determine if increased McSC migration in RP<\/i> mice was due to a higher McSC proliferation rate, we administered EdU to RP-TT<\/i> mice four times per day from the second UVB until two days following the third UVB exposure, thereby labeling all proliferating cells within this time window (Fig. 5G<\/a>). Click-iTTM<\/sup> staining showed higher EdU colocalization with tdTomato+ McSCs in RP<\/i> skin compared to controls, indicating that increased epidermal melanocytes in RP-TT<\/i> mice is due to increased proliferation from McSCs originally found in hair follicles (Fig. 5H<\/a>). Moreover, the majority of epidermal melanocytes in both control and RP-TT<\/i> mice were EdU+ (Ctrl: 75% and RP: 97%), indicating that proliferation is preferred prior to migration to the epidermis (Supplementary Fig. 5G<\/a>). Given these data, we conclude that overexpression of Cox-2 heightens the inflammatory responses induced by UVB irradiation, which significantly promotes McSC proliferation and migration in both genders.<\/p>\n

In RP<\/i> mice, Cox-2 overexpression was mainly found in epidermal keratinocytes and infiltrated immune cells. From scRNA-seq data, neutrophils and macrophages express relatively high Ptgs2<\/i> within the immune cell population. Previous work has shown that UV is sufficient to upregulate Ptgs2<\/i> expression in keratinocytes53<\/a><\/sup>. To determine if Cox-2 overexpression in specific cell types is sufficient to increase McSC migration, we utilized Krt5-CreER<\/i>; lsl-rtTA3<\/i>; Tre-Ptgs2<\/i> (KLP<\/i>) and Lysm-Cre<\/i>, lsl-rtTA3<\/i>; Tre-Ptgs2<\/i> (MLP<\/i>) mice to conditionally overexpress Cox-2 in keratinocytes and monocytes through doxycycline administration (Fig. 5I, K<\/a>). Cox-2 overexpression in keratinocytes significantly increased McSC migration (Fig. 5J<\/a>), while Cox-2 overexpression in Lysm+ monocytes and macrophages increased McSC migration, but with a lower fold change (Fig. 5L<\/a>). However, Cox-2 IF staining on both genotypes showed a significantly different Cox-2 overexpression level in the two mouse models (Supplementary Fig. 5H<\/a>). Therefore, we cannot rule out the possibility that the different McSC migration efficiency is caused by efficiency variation in each Cre recombinase allele. Considering Ptgs2<\/i> are expressed by almost all cell types and PGE2<\/sub> signals to downstream EP receptors through both autocrine and paracrine manners, it is possible that Cox-2 signaling is dosage dependent rather than cell type-specific.<\/p>\n

A distinct hybrid macrophage population is found in Cox-2 overexpression mice<\/h3>\n

To investigate how Cox-2 overexpression alters the inflammatory response to UVB irradiation, we profiled the transcriptomes of CD45+ immune cells from UVB irradiated RP<\/i> skin collected at day 5, the same timepoint as the WT_UV single cell sample (Fig. 3A<\/a>). After data integration, we found that there was increased neutrophil infiltration, and fewer T cells and Langerhans cells in RP<\/i> skin compared to the UVB-irradiated control sample (Fig. 6A, B<\/a>), consistent with immunofluorescent staining results (Fig. 5D<\/a>, Supplementary Fig. 5E<\/a>). PGE2<\/sub> synthases, as well as PGE2<\/sub> receptors, are known to be expressed by macrophages and PGE2<\/sub> has been shown to modulate macrophage activates51<\/a>,61<\/a><\/sup>. To better define the macrophage signatures in RP<\/i> mice, we subclustered the macrophage populations from all three samples and labeled the clusters based on previously established marker genes48<\/a><\/sup>. Retnla<\/i> and Ear2<\/i> double positive clusters were defined as early-stage cells with high levels of the complement cascade, and alternative activation gene-expressed clusters were defined as the final stage of phagocytic macrophages (Supplementary Fig. 6A<\/a>). Cell clusters in the middle were defined as Early, Intermediate, or Late-stage macrophages (Supplementary Fig. 6B<\/a>). Very surprisingly, in addition to cycling macrophages and initial-stage macrophages being shared by all three samples, we found two unique macrophage subpopulations in the RP<\/i> sample that did not fit into either the inflammatory path or phagocytic path (Fig. 6C<\/a>).<\/p>\n

Fig. 6: A distinct hybrid macrophage population is found in Cox-2 overexpression mice.<\/b><\/figcaption>

A<\/b> UMAP of immune cell clusters from WT_Ctrl, WT_UV, and RP_UV. WT_Ctrl and WT_UV were the same dataset from Fig. 3<\/a>. RP_UV sample was from an RP male mouse collected on day 5, the same timepoint as WT_UV. B<\/b> Barplot showing the composition of each cell cluster within the three samples. C<\/b> UMAP of macrophage subclusters isolated from all three samples. Macrophages were subclustered from cluster Macrophage_1\u20134 and Proliferative macrophages. D<\/b> Visualization of the Inflammation gene set expression in macrophage subclusters. E<\/b> Violin plot showing expression of the Inflammation gene set in Inflammatory macrophage, Final_RPUV, Final_WTUV, Final_WTCtrl subclusters. F<\/b> Visualization of Complement & Phagocytosis gene set expression in macrophage subclusters. G<\/b> Schematic timeline for macrophage depletion using clodronate liposomes (CL), and control PBS liposomes (PL). Monocyte depletion in the circulation was validated by flow cytometry. Blood monocytes were identified as CD45\u2009+\u2009CD115+. Ly6C was used to classify infiltrating monocytes (Ly6Chi<\/sup>). Reduced skin macrophage infiltration by CL depletion was validated by F4\/80 staining on sectioned skin collected on day 5. H<\/b> Final melanocyte migrations were quantified by Dct staining on sectioned skin collected on day 13. Migrations were normalized based on individual level of Cox-2 expression in each mouse. n<\/i>\u2009=\u20098 mice for CL (4 male, 4 female), n<\/i>\u2009=\u200917 for PL (9 male, 8 female). Uneven number due to the poor animal survival under CL treatment. I<\/b> Schematic of melanocyte proliferation assay on RP-TT mice under macrophage depletion. Doxycycline, tamoxifen, and PL\/CL treatments follow the timeline. J<\/b> Representative images of tdTomato co-labeling with EdU staining (left), and quantification (right). n<\/i>\u2009=\u20095 mice for CL, n<\/i>\u2009=\u20094 mice for PL. Scale bar: 100\u2009\u00b5m. Statistics: Mann-Whitney t<\/i> test (H<\/b>), Welch\u2019s t<\/i> test (J<\/b>). Error bar: SEM. Each individual dot indicates the averaged quantification from one mouse.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Full size image<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div>\n

To determine if RP<\/i> macrophages contributed to heightened inflammation, we examined the expression of an inflammation gene set, including Il1b, Tnf, Cxcl2, Ccl2, Jun, Junb, Fos<\/i>, and Nfkbia<\/i>. As expected, macrophages showing the inflammatory path were identified in the control with UVB samples, and both the Intermediate_RP and Final_RP populations expressed these inflammatory genes as well. Consistent with this, the intermediate stage- and final stage macrophages in the control without UVB sample showed low expression of the genes in this set (Fig. 6D, E<\/a>). Moreover, the phagocytotic gene set48<\/a><\/sup> was plotted and surprisingly, we found that the Intermediate_RP and Final_RP macrophage subpopulations exhibited both inflammatory and phagocytotic signatures (Fig. 6F<\/a>), challenging the concept of four diverse activation paths48<\/a><\/sup>. From these data, we conclude that in an environment of Cox-2 overexpression, distinct from the two separate activation paths found in control samples, induction of both inflammation (inflammatory path) and resolving (phagocytotic path) signatures are present in the same group of macrophages.<\/p>\n

To determine the necessity of macrophages with increased Cox-2 in McSC migration, RP<\/i> mice were treated with clodronate liposomes (CL) to deplete circulating monocytes. Flow cytometry and immunofluorescent staining showed CL-treated mice had significantly decreased monocytes in blood and in irradiated skin tissue compared with RP<\/i> mice treated with PBS-containing liposomes (PL). To determine the effect of macrophage depletion on McSC migration, we collected CL and PL-treated RP<\/i> mice and stained epidermal melanocytes with an anti-Dct antibody (Fig. 6G<\/a>). Immunofluorescence staining showed a significant decrease in McSC migration in the CL depletion group compared to the PL-treated cohort (Fig. 6H<\/a>). To understand if the decrease in McSC migration is due to impaired McSC proliferation or migration, we labeled all proliferating cells with EdU in RP-TT<\/i> mice while treating with CL. CL treatment resulted in a significantly decreased McSC proliferation rate in RP<\/i> mice (Fig. 6I, J<\/a>). In conclusion, macrophage depletion in RP<\/i> mice results in decreased McSC migration, consistent with our data showing that DT-mediated macrophage depletion in wild-type mice exhibits a similar migration reduction.<\/p>\n

Both dmPGE2<\/sub> supplementation and dmPGE2<\/sub> with Jak signaling inhibition promote UVB-induced McSC epidermal repopulation<\/h3>\n

Increased melanocyte repopulation is needed to improve the scale of repigmentation in patients with depigmentation conditions. To determine whether cyclooxygenase products could hold therapeutic potential in promoting hair follicle McSC colonization of the epidermis, we administrated 16,16-dimethyl Prostaglandin E2<\/sub> (dmPGE2<\/sub>, a stabilized, synthetic form of PGE2<\/sub>) to murine dorsal skin in areas of UVB irradiation62<\/a>,63<\/a>,64<\/a><\/sup>. dmPGE2<\/sub> treated mice showed significantly increased McSC migration in both males and females after UVB irradiation (Fig. 7A, B<\/a>), while dmPGE2<\/sub> without UVB was not sufficient to induce McSC migration (Supplementary Fig. 7A<\/a>). This suggests that PGE2<\/sub> application during phototherapy in human patients may result in improved outcomes. This result also suggests that cell-specific Cox-2 and PGE2<\/sub> are not necessary to induce McSC migration. Interestingly, dmPGE2<\/sub> application significantly promoted neutrophil infiltration while reducing T cell recruitment (Fig. 7C, D<\/a>), similar to the pro-inflammation phenotype found in RP<\/i> mice (Fig. 5D<\/a>, Supplementary Fig. 5E<\/a>).<\/p>\n

Fig. 7: Both dmPGE2<\/sub> supplementation and dmPGE2 with Jak signaling inhibition promote UVB-induced McSC epidermal repopulation.<\/b><\/figcaption>

A<\/b> Schematic timeline of dmPGE2<\/sub> treatment by intradermal injection and UVB irradiation. B<\/b> Representative images of whole mount DG skin collected at day 13 (left), and migration quantification (right). Migrated melanocytes from at least 6000 follicles were quantified in each mouse. n<\/i>\u2009=\u20098 pairs (4 male pairs, 4 female pairs). Paired comparisons were performed by using littermates to minimize the effect of genetic variance and to minimize any UVB light variance. C<\/b>, D<\/b> Representative images of neutrophil infiltration (Ly6G+) and T cell infiltration (CD3+) in UVB irradiated PBS-treated skin collected on day 4. Red staining in the PBS panel is background in the stratum corneum and hair shaft (labeled by *). Neutrophil infiltration rate was quantified by the Ly6G+ staining area over DAPI staining area, and CD3\u2009+\u2009T cell infiltration was quantified by the number of T cells per image. Each individual dot indicates one image. Ly6G: n<\/i>\u2009=\u200922 images for PBS, n<\/i>\u2009=\u200921 images for dmPGE2<\/sub>; CD3: n<\/i>\u2009=\u200927 images for PBS, n<\/i>\u2009=\u200935 images for dmPGE2<\/sub>. Each group contains n<\/i>\u2009=\u20093 male mice. E<\/b> Schematic of dmPGE2<\/sub> and ruxolitinib administration with UVB irradiation. F<\/b> Representative whole mount images of DG dorsal skin collected on day 13 (left), and quantification. For each group of experiments, three littermates of the same gender were used for UVB-only; UVB+ruxolitinib; and UVB+ruxolitinib+dmPGE2 treatments. To normalize the variance of migration rate due to different experiment date and gender, the migration rate of UVB+ruxolitinib+PBS and UVB+ruxolitinib+dmPGE2 animals were normalized by the migration rate in UVB\u2009+\u2009DMSO\u2009+\u2009PBS control individuals within each group. Three ruxolitinib-treated non-UVB irradiated males were used to show no migration without UVB. Scale bar: 100\u2009\u00b5m. Statistics: Paired-t<\/i>.test (B<\/b>, F<\/b>), Welch\u2019s t<\/i>-test (C<\/b>, D<\/b>). Error bar: SEM.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Full size image<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div>\n

Recently, phase II and III clinical trials with Jak inhibition have shown positive results for skin repigmentation in vitiligo patients8<\/a>,9<\/a><\/sup>, resulting in FDA approval of ruxolitinib65<\/a><\/sup>. Jak inhibitors such as ruxolitinib and tofacitinib prevent the recruitment of CD8+<\/sup> T cells to lesional skin and limit cytotoxic T cell-mediated destruction of epidermal melanocytes6<\/a><\/sup>. However, the effectiveness of ruxolitinib is still limited, with only around 20% of patients achieving 50% repigmentation of the total lesion area (T-VASI50) after 52 weeks of treatment. Interestingly, ruxolitinib treatment achieved higher facial re-pigmentation (50% of T-VASI50) than total body re-pigmentation (20% of T-VASI50), suggesting exposure to environmental UVB in this body region has a synergistic or additive effect for repigmentation9<\/a><\/sup>. Using our mouse model, the JAK inhibitor ruxolitinib, without UVB exposure, did not induce obvious epidermal migration under short-term treatment (Supplementary Fig. 7B<\/a>). This data indicates that the combination of a JAK inhibitor with UVB irradiation may be a more effective repigmentation method, consistent with a recent small sample study which reported that UVB irradiation improved the repigmentation effect of ruxolitinib in patients66<\/a><\/sup>.<\/p>\n

Topical PGE2<\/sub> gel is approved for cervical ripening in human patients67<\/a><\/sup>, and small clinical reports have shown the safety and potential positive effect of PGE2<\/sub> on skin re-pigmentation68<\/a>,69<\/a><\/sup>. To test a therapy that utilizes inflammatory pathways to promote re-pigmentation while not interfering with the immunosuppressant activity of JAK inhibitors, we systemically treated with ruxolitinib while providing dmPGE2<\/sub> intradermally to UVB-irradiated DG<\/i> mice, with ruxolitinib-only treated DG<\/i> mice used as controls (Fig. 7E<\/a>). Ruxolitinib did not suppress the migration effect of dmPGE2<\/sub>, but instead further promoted McSC translocation to the IFE (Fig. 7F<\/a>). Further investigation is needed to define the mechanism through which JAK inhibition cooperates with UVB exposure supplemented with dmPGE2. Together, our data suggests that combined dmPGE2<\/sub> and ruxolitinib promote UVB-induced McSC migration, which could be translationally beneficial for improving and maintaining repigmentation in vitiligo patches.<\/p>\n