{"id":373277,"date":"2023-12-06T07:09:34","date_gmt":"2023-12-06T12:09:34","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platohealth.ai\/electronic-data-capture-edc-buyers-guide-making-the-business-case-for-a-new-edc-system\/"},"modified":"2023-12-06T17:30:23","modified_gmt":"2023-12-06T22:30:23","slug":"electronic-data-capture-edc-buyers-guide-making-the-business-case-for-a-new-edc-system","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/platohealth.ai\/electronic-data-capture-edc-buyers-guide-making-the-business-case-for-a-new-edc-system\/","title":{"rendered":"Electronic Data Capture (EDC) Buyer\u2019s Guide: Making the Business Case for a New EDC System","gt_translate_keys":[{"key":"rendered","format":"text"}]},"content":{"rendered":"


Whether you\u2019ve got a new clinical trial on the horizon, or you\u2019re just fed up with the limitations of the way you\u2019re currently capturing clinical data, you\u2019ve probably got a new electronic data capture (EDC) system<\/a> on your mind.\u00a0<\/p>\n


But there\u2019s a catch: you can\u2019t just swipe the company card and add a new EDC system to your tech stack. This is a significant decision with associated risks and financial implications for the business.<\/p>\n

Instead, you\u2019ve got to convince the executives who hold the power of the purse strings to authorize the purchase of a new EDC system. And to do that, you\u2019ll need to build a strong business case\u2014something you can present to show you\u2019ve done your due diligence, have a plan for making the transition, and can clearly speak to the benefits of this investment.<\/p>\n

This process can feel daunting if you\u2019ve never done it before\u2014and even if you have\u2014which is why we\u2019ve created this guide. We\u2019ll walk you through the process of building the business case for your new EDC solution, pitching it to management, and making the transition once you have approval.<\/p>\n

Like any big project, you just have to take it step by step.<\/p>\n

Table of Contents<\/h4>\n

FREE EBOOK:<\/strong> Click here<\/span> to download your PDF copy of the Electronic Data Capture (EDC) Buyer\u2019s Guide: Making the Business Case for a New EDC System.<\/a><\/p>\n

\"learn-internal-purchasing-process-eqms-guide\"1. Find out your organization\u2019s internal purchasing process<\/h2>\n

Your company probably has an internal process for a large purchase like an EDC system. In midsize-to-large MedTech companies, you\u2019ll likely be able to find this process in the finance department, or perhaps in a dedicated purchasing department that operates under finance\u2019s umbrella.<\/p>\n

However, if your company is smaller, the \u201cprocess\u201d may consist of convincing one or two executives that this purchase is necessary and will end up benefiting the business.\u00a0<\/p>\n

Whether you\u2019re following a defined purchasing process or not, the first thing you need to do is lay the groundwork for the business case you\u2019ll be making. That means answering questions like:<\/p>\n