{"id":260666,"date":"2023-11-08T08:49:17","date_gmt":"2023-11-08T13:49:17","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/platohealth.ai\/how-to-use-google-to-stay-up-to-date-with-your-medical-condition\/"},"modified":"2023-11-08T13:58:13","modified_gmt":"2023-11-08T18:58:13","slug":"how-to-use-google-to-stay-up-to-date-with-your-medical-condition","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/platohealth.ai\/how-to-use-google-to-stay-up-to-date-with-your-medical-condition\/","title":{"rendered":"How to use Google to stay up to date with your medical condition","gt_translate_keys":[{"key":"rendered","format":"text"}]},"content":{"rendered":"

The medical research industry is fast-moving. Despite the fact that the average clinical trial lasts about 10 years<\/span><\/a>, new discoveries are happening all the time. However, keeping up with new developments can be a challenge.<\/p>\n


For those interested in staying informed about the latest research, patient testimonials, and other medical advancements, Google offers several built-in tools to help. Whether searching for a specific medical condition close to home or staying updated on the general happenings of the research industry, read on to learn more.<\/p>\n

Staying up-to-date with the latest medical research<\/h3>\n

Creating alerts for new hits to a search query<\/strong><\/p>\n

Searching on Google is an effective way to access the most highly ranked information about a topic. Additionally, setting up Google alerts can provide users with instant, daily, or weekly updates to new developments within a specified category. This is done by:<\/p>\n

  1. Visiting www.google.com\/alerts<\/span><\/a> <\/li>\n
  2. Typing in the relevant keywords<\/li>\n
  3. Choosing \u201cshow options\u201d to set preferences about source types, digest frequencies, and more<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    Find blogs to get a patient perspective<\/strong><\/p>\n

    For patients, engaging in online communities can be a bright spot during a difficult time, and many sites prominently feature content written by patients. By searching for a condition and adding \u201cblog\u201d it is possible to see which individuals, patient advocacy groups, and other organizations publish their thoughts online.<\/p>\n

    Use video search to see documentaries and more<\/strong><\/p>\n

    Google has made it easy to find videos across the web through their search filters. When searching for a condition name, click the \u201cfilters\u201d button to see the available categories, which include video. This will pull clips from various places on the internet and make it easy to find material that may be helpful.<\/p>\n

    Use Google Scholar to find academic articles<\/strong><\/p>\n

    Academic articles are not just for researchers. Through Google Scholar<\/span><\/a>, it is possible to find published, peer-reviewed articles that detail various studies. Typically, these articles will include methodologies, results, further questions, and more, providing a reliable and unbiased source of the latest information.<\/p>\n

    If you\u2019re interested in staying up-to-date with the latest clinical trials that are seeking volunteers, Antidote Match makes it easy. Click the button below to get started searching for a study, and sign up for trial alerts to get information about anything that\u2019s new.<\/p>\n