Top Questions Of The Day: 2023 Edition –

What a year 2023 was! A huge thank you for being an integral part of our Online Community. Your contributions inspire research and support improvements in those with type 1 diabetes.

T1D Exchange has been engaging our Online Community with daily questions for over a decade. In 2023, we presented 365 Questions of the Day.

Now, let’s look at the top questions:

1.) Do you wear medical alert jewelry or something on your body to signify you have type 1 diabetes in case of an emergency?

2.) Do you know the day and year that you received your T1D diagnosis?

3.) Have you ever used nasal glucagon?

4.) If you use a CGM, on a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with the accuracy of your CGM?

5.) In the past three years, have you been hospitalized due to T1D?

These are just a few highlights from our Top Questions of the Day! Don’t forget to join our community and engage daily with our thought-provoking questions.

We’re always on the lookout for new and exciting questions for our community! Got a question you’d like to ask? Click here to submit your ideas for a potential future Question of the Day. As always, we value your participation in the T1D Exchange Community.