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Top 10 Medtech Entrepreneur Webinars of 2023

Our first Medical Device Playbook Webinar debuted on July 24, 2020. Created to fill a vacuum created when live events were halted by COVID -19.
The first MDPlaybook Medtech Entrepreneur Webinar covered How COVID-19 is Changing Medical Device Commercialization, a fitting topic if ever there was one. Since then, monthly webinars feature medtech executives, serial entrepreneurs and experts discussing a wide range of topics of interest to medical device entrepreneurs.

With the return of live Medical Device Playbook events in October 2022, the MD Playbook Medtech Entrepreneur Webinars expanded to include livecasts from the events in Toronto, Canada and Newport Beach, California. Here are the top 10 webinars in 2023.

  1. Interacting with FDA & Regulatory Bodies

Former FDA Team Leader and current PAVmed Inc. Vice President, Regulatory and Quality, Deepika Lakhani, and StarFish Medical Vice President of QA/RA, Nicole Ouellet share strategies and lessons from their years of delivering and evaluating medical device submissions to FDA and other Regulatory bodies. Topics include:

  • Lessons learned from a former FDA reviewer
  • Regulatory pathways that enable innovation
  • De novo case study
  • Regulator pre- meeting briefing document tips
  • Key stakeholders for a pre-submission meeting

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  1. Venture Capital in Medtech

Sam Ifergan, Founder and Managing Partner of iGan Partner; Randy Scott, Partner and Co Founder, HealthQuest Capital; and Dan Kidle, Managing Partner at Arboretum Ventures share insights and perspectives on the state of the market and what’s to come. Topics include:

  • Sector activity and what it means for start-ups
  • Attracting investors in the current climate
  • What VCs want to see
  • What to expect in next 6-12 months

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  1. The Clinician Medtech Executive

PAVmed Inc. Co-founder & CEO Lishan Aklog and Angiotech Pharmaceuticals & Ikomed Technologies Co-founder Lindsay Machan share their insights, stories and lessons learned from their experience commercializing the first drug eluting stent and building a public company around early cancer detection. Topics include:

  • Lessons learned as co-founder and clinician
  • Leveraging clinical insights and expertise
  • Avoiding pitfalls
  • Finding the right role for maximum impact

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  1. IP Strategy for Medtech Startups

IP and Patent attorneys Gregory Carlin, Meunier Carlin & Curfman LLC; and Craige Thompson, Thompson Patent Law share their perspectives on medtech IP, importance of patent protection and the power of your IP portfolio for securing future funding and a profitable exit.

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  1. Case Studies in Strategic Exits

Medtech innovator and business leader Earl Slee brings 35 years’ experience developing medical devices and building billion-dollar businesses to bear on the topic of Strategic Exits. Earl shares case studies and insights on how strategic acquirers determine value and advice for Entrepreneurs looking for a strategic exit.

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  1. Finding the Sweet Spot

How to Balance the Right Idea, Execution and Culture in a Medtech Startup – Inventor, serial entrepreneur, and coach Bill Walker shares his perspective as a successful medtech founder and entrepreneur coach at Duke University Pratt School of Engineering and offers insights into bringing great ideas to market.

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  1. AI powered Imaging

How Big Data and Machine Learning are Transforming Medical Care in Real Time. An authority in the application of Artificial Intelligence to medical challenges, Dr. Ersin Bayram, Director AI and Datascience at Perimeter Medical Imaging AI explores how big data and machine learning are transforming medical care in real time.

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  1. From Angiotech to Canary Medical

One of Canada’s most iconic medtech founders offers insights and perspectives from his career as a serial entrepreneur. Canadian Medtech icon Bill Hunter shares valuable insights from building a billion dollar company and his career as a serial entrepreneur.

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  1. Birth of TAVR

Described as a disruptive breakthrough the transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has revolutionized treatment of aortic valve stenosis world-wide.

Don’t miss Stanton Rowe as he shares the lessons learned from the Birth of TAVR and tells the story of turning a crazy, impossible idea into a reality and starting billion-dollar market.

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  1. Pivotal Moments and Critical Decisions

Insights from 50 Years as a Serial Medtech Entrepreneur – St. Jude Medical co-founder Manny Villafana, shares insights from his 50+ years as a serial entrepreneur, founder and renowned medtech pioneer.

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MDPlaybook Medtech Entrepreneur Webinars consistently receive “9/10” ratings from audiences. Interested in viewing more webinars from 2020 through 2023? Check out more recordings at:

Image: StarFish Medical

Astero StarFish is the attributed author of StarFish Medical team blogs. We value teamwork and collaborate on all of our medical device development projects.

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