RFK Jr on stem cells & his wacky war on the FDA

It’s Halloween and one of the scariest things out there  arguably i s a wild tweet from RFK Jr on stem cells and the FDA.

Why worry what Kennedy thinks about such topics?

Trump has indicated that Kennedy will have some major healthcare role in his second term should he be re-elected.

The last thing we need is Kennedy promoting unproven stem cells and stem cell clinics. This would be especially worrisome if he is in a position of power in the federal government.

RFK Jr. on stem cells, stem cell clinics
RFK Jr. says the FDA has been suppressing stem cells along with all kinds of other unproven stuff.

RFK Jr. on stem cells and the FDA

See Kennedy’s tweet below.

The tweet makes very little sense but still manages to be quite dangerous.

The idea of an FDA war on public health is ludicrous. More specifically, Kennedy is saying the FDA has been suppressing good stuff including “stem cells.” What could he mean?

I think he’s referring to unproven “stem cells” sold by clinics. Look at the other stuff, some of which is flat-out baloney, that he’s putting “stem cells” with in this tweet. What does he mean by “peptides”? Hydroxychloroquine for what? Chelation?

Then he claims the FDA is also suppressing exercise and clean food? That’s just nonsense.

Remember that he is anti-vax too.

Trump, RFK Jr., and the FDA

During Trump’s first term, frankly the FDA struggled to maintain its mission in some key ways. For instance, I’ve written before about how former FDA Commissioner Steve Hahn, per his own text messages, may have caved to political pressure related to some important IND decisions on biologics.

Imagine in a second term an FDA trying to function with RFK Jr. potentially being Secretary of HHS or in some other position of power.

In a sense, Kennedy has declared war on the FDA. He could do all kinds of damage across many areas. If we just think about biologics, Kennedy could impede the agency’s efforts to properly address unproven stem cell clinics. Heck, he might promote unproven stem cells including for autism.

Kennedy could pressure the agency to approve not-ready-for-primetime cell therapies.

Overall, there aren’t that many people who would be worse than RFK Jr. in a position to impact the FDA and U.S. healthcare policies.

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