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Recommended reads: gov scientists fear Trump 2nd term, MYCT1 in HSCs, in vivo editing – The Niche

I’ve only met one scientist who was openly a Trump fan, but I’m sure there are more out there. Still, it seems most scientists are no fans of the former president. A new WaPo piece highlights how federal scientists are worrying about a possible second term for the former president.

Trump on Science.

Government scientists & a second Trump term

Why scientists fear a second Trump term, and what they are doing about it, WaPo. There are good reasons for scientists both inside and outside of the federal government to be concerned about a second Trump term. This article highlights some of those. To me one of the biggest concerns is politics and Trump’s whims trumping data and what’s best for science and medicine.

Notably, the article doesn’t mention the NIH or FDA, two agencies that I believe could really suffer during another Trump term. If you look at the first Trump term, the FDA struggled in many ways to survive with its mission and workforce intact. Part of that was the pandemic, but another major challenge to the FDA was political pressure.

For instance, during his first term we saw several INDs approved by the FDA under political pressure. Then FDA Commissioner Steve Hahn was under tremendous pressure from Trump and other administration officials. As a result, I think he made some choices that negatively impacted CBER and the cell therapy arena. I’m going to write more about what might happen to the FDA during a second term so stay tuned for that. For those of us in the cell therapy field, there is good reason to think that CBER may be a shadow of its former self after a second Trump term.

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