Study First Submitted Date | 2019-06-26 |
Study First Posted Date | 2019-07-01 |
Last Update Posted Date | 2023-06-26 |
Start Month Year | August 1, 2023 |
Primary Completion Month Year | October 2024 |
Verification Month Year | June 2023 |
Verification Date | 2023-06-30 |
Last Update Posted Date | 2023-06-26 |
Sequence: | 199678440 |
Name | Queen Mary Hospital |
City | Hong Kong |
Country | Hong Kong |
Facility Contacts
Sequence: | 28065407 |
Facility Id | 199678440 |
Contact Type | primary |
Name | Chi Wing Chan, MBBS | | |
Phone | 2255 5791 |
Browse Interventions
Sequence: | 95863614 | Sequence: | 95863615 | Sequence: | 95863616 | Sequence: | 95863617 | Sequence: | 95863618 | Sequence: | 95863619 | Sequence: | 95863620 |
Mesh Term | Bupivacaine | Mesh Term | Anesthetics, Local | Mesh Term | Anesthetics | Mesh Term | Central Nervous System Depressants | Mesh Term | Physiological Effects of Drugs | Mesh Term | Sensory System Agents | Mesh Term | Peripheral Nervous System Agents |
Downcase Mesh Term | bupivacaine | Downcase Mesh Term | anesthetics, local | Downcase Mesh Term | anesthetics | Downcase Mesh Term | central nervous system depressants | Downcase Mesh Term | physiological effects of drugs | Downcase Mesh Term | sensory system agents | Downcase Mesh Term | peripheral nervous system agents |
Mesh Type | mesh-list | Mesh Type | mesh-ancestor | Mesh Type | mesh-ancestor | Mesh Type | mesh-ancestor | Mesh Type | mesh-ancestor | Mesh Type | mesh-ancestor | Mesh Type | mesh-ancestor |
Sequence: | 52078471 |
Name | Pain, Postoperative |
Downcase Name | pain, postoperative |
Id Information
Sequence: | 40084868 |
Id Source | org_study_id |
Id Value | UW19-304 |
Sequence: | 42484343 |
Name | Hong Kong |
Removed | False |
Design Groups
Sequence: | 55491858 | Sequence: | 55491857 |
Group Type | Active Comparator | Group Type | Experimental |
Title | group SB | Title | Group LB |
Description | LIA with ACB will be given using 20ml 0.5%standard bupivacaine | Description | local infiltration of analgesia (LIA) with adductor canal block (ACB) will be given using 10ml of 1.33% liposomal bupivacaine with 10ml 0.5% standard bupivacaine |
Sequence: | 52391559 | Sequence: | 52391560 |
Intervention Type | Drug | Intervention Type | Drug |
Name | Liposomal bupivacaine | Name | Bupivacaine Injection |
Description | LIA with ACB will be given using 10ml of 1.33% liposomal bupivacaine + 10ml 0.5% standard bupivacaine | Description | LIA with ACB will be given using 20ml 0.5% standard bupivacaine |
Sequence: | 79715458 | Sequence: | 79715459 | Sequence: | 79715460 | Sequence: | 79715461 | Sequence: | 79715462 | Sequence: | 79715463 | Sequence: | 79715464 |
Name | bupivacaine | Name | LIA | Name | ACB | Name | total knee replacement | Name | post operative pain | Name | acute pain | Name | anaesthesia |
Downcase Name | bupivacaine | Downcase Name | lia | Downcase Name | acb | Downcase Name | total knee replacement | Downcase Name | post operative pain | Downcase Name | acute pain | Downcase Name | anaesthesia |
Design Outcomes
Sequence: | 177062741 | Sequence: | 177062742 | Sequence: | 177062743 | Sequence: | 177062744 | Sequence: | 177062745 | Sequence: | 177062746 |
Outcome Type | primary | Outcome Type | primary | Outcome Type | secondary | Outcome Type | secondary | Outcome Type | secondary | Outcome Type | secondary |
Measure | Pain assessed by numerical rating scales (NRS) pain scores | Measure | PCA morphine consumption | Measure | Range of motion (ROM) of knee | Measure | Walking Distance | Measure | Degree of assistance | Measure | Ability to stand |
Time Frame | at postoperative day 1 | Time Frame | from postoperative day 0 until postoperative day 5 | Time Frame | from postoperative day 0 until postoperative day 6 | Time Frame | from postoperative day 0 until postoperative day 6 | Time Frame | from postoperative day 0 until postoperative day 6 | Time Frame | from postoperative day 0 until postoperative day 6 |
Description | NRS pain scores (from 0-10, where 0 is the least satisfaction and 10 most satisfaction) will be recorded during movement and at rest, by NRS (movement) and NRS (rest) respectively | Description | Cumulative PCA morphine doses (in mg) will be recorded daily based on medical record. | Description | Active and Passive ROM of knee (flexion and extension) will be recorded. | Description | Walking distance will be measured in meters | Description | Patients' ability to walk will be assessed. There are three categories including walking without help, walking with walking frame and being unable to walk | Description | Patients' ability to stand is recorded after surgery |
Browse Conditions
Sequence: | 193117696 | Sequence: | 193117693 | Sequence: | 193117694 | Sequence: | 193117695 | Sequence: | 193117697 |
Mesh Term | Pain | Mesh Term | Pain, Postoperative | Mesh Term | Postoperative Complications | Mesh Term | Pathologic Processes | Mesh Term | Neurologic Manifestations |
Downcase Mesh Term | pain | Downcase Mesh Term | pain, postoperative | Downcase Mesh Term | postoperative complications | Downcase Mesh Term | pathologic processes | Downcase Mesh Term | neurologic manifestations |
Mesh Type | mesh-ancestor | Mesh Type | mesh-list | Mesh Type | mesh-ancestor | Mesh Type | mesh-ancestor | Mesh Type | mesh-ancestor |
Sequence: | 48233340 |
Agency Class | OTHER |
Lead Or Collaborator | lead |
Name | The University of Hong Kong |
Overall Officials
Sequence: | 29231231 |
Role | Principal Investigator |
Name | Chi Wing Chan, MBBS |
Affiliation | Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong |
Central Contacts
Sequence: | 11989474 |
Contact Type | primary |
Name | Chi Wing Chan, MBBS |
Phone | 2255 5791 | | |
Role | Contact |
Design Group Interventions
Sequence: | 68026169 | Sequence: | 68026170 |
Design Group Id | 55491857 | Design Group Id | 55491858 |
Intervention Id | 52391559 | Intervention Id | 52391560 |
Sequence: | 30711442 |
Gender | All |
Minimum Age | 18 Years |
Maximum Age | 80 Years |
Healthy Volunteers | Accepts Healthy Volunteers |
Criteria | Inclusion Criteria:
ASA I-III Exclusion Criteria: Revision total knee replacement |
Adult | True |
Child | False |
Older Adult | True |
Calculated Values
Sequence: | 253938515 |
Number Of Facilities | 1 |
Registered In Calendar Year | 2019 |
Were Results Reported | False |
Has Us Facility | False |
Has Single Facility | True |
Minimum Age Num | 18 |
Maximum Age Num | 80 |
Minimum Age Unit | Years |
Maximum Age Unit | Years |
Number Of Primary Outcomes To Measure | 2 |
Number Of Secondary Outcomes To Measure | 4 |
Sequence: | 30458027 |
Allocation | Randomized |
Intervention Model | Parallel Assignment |
Observational Model | |
Primary Purpose | Treatment |
Time Perspective | |
Masking | Double |
Subject Masked | True |
Investigator Masked | True |
Responsible Parties
Sequence: | 28824500 |
Responsible Party Type | Principal Investigator |
Name | Dr. Chan Chi-Wing |
Title | Consultant |
Affiliation | The University of Hong Kong |