New survey checks pulse on voters’ concerns for innovation and biomanufacturing

Voters want to bolster American manufacturing across biopharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors, according to a new public opinion survey conducted by Morning Consult for the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO).

The survey results were released as lawmakers continue to discuss reforms intended to strengthen the supply chain for medicines and biobased technologies. As the debate unfolds, many voters are upbeat about American leadership in the development of new medicines and support a range of solutions to help protect the supply of vital medicines and other technologies developed through biotechnology.

Democrats and Republicans agree that new policies should not risk the ability of companies to manufacture medicines people need. (Source: Morning Consult/BIO)Democrats and Republicans agree that new policies should not risk the ability of companies to manufacture medicines people need. (Source: Morning Consult/BIO)
Democrats and Republicans agree that new policies should not risk the ability of companies to manufacture medicines people need. (Source: Morning Consult/BIO)

Key findings from the survey include:

  • Strong bipartisan support for improving domestic manufacturing. More than four in five (84%) of voters believe it should be a priority for Congress to bolster American manufacturing in the biotechnology and biopharmaceutical industries, a belief shared broadly across party lines.
  • Republicans and Democrats agree: Do not disrupt access to medicines. While voters want to bolster American manufacturing, nearly 90% of Democratic voters and 85% of Republicans do not want those efforts to jeopardize the ability of companies to develop and manufacture medicines.
  • Overwhelming support for working with American allies. Many companies successfully maintain global supply chains to manufacture medicines. Eighty-eight percent of voters believe it’s important that biopharmaceutical and biotechnology companies continue to work with American allies to manufacture these innovative products.
  • Voters want to strengthen existing pro-innovation policies. There is broad bipartisan agreement the U.S. should strengthen existing policies that drive our country’s leadership in innovation, including 85% voter support for strengthening intellectual property protections and 81% support for strengthening our technology transfer system leveraged by public- and private-sector researchers.
9 in 10 voters agree that it's important for biotech to continue to work closely with American allies to manufacture medicines.9 in 10 voters agree that it's important for biotech to continue to work closely with American allies to manufacture medicines.
9 in 10 voters agree that it’s important for biotech to continue to work closely with American allies to manufacture medicines. (Source: Morning Consult/BIO)

The survey is part of BIO’s ongoing commitment to be a partner in Congress’s efforts to protect the biotechnology industry as a critical strategic national asset and to ensure the supply of vital medicines. As BIO’s President & CEO John F. Crowley has said:

“We will continue work with lawmakers on future policies that promote the U.S. as the global leader in biotechnology and as the medicine chest of the world.”  

To learn more about the Morning Consult survey, click here.