New commercial heads for Illumina, UroGen, Invivyd 

ARTICLE | Management Tracks

Plus: Jennifer Fitzpatrick hired as general counsel at Sionna 

By Richard Guy, Biopharma Analyst, and Gunjan Ohri, Data Content Analyst

June 4, 2024 1:27 AM UTC

Three companies — Illumina, UroGen and Invivyd — named new commercial heads on Monday.

Everett Cunningham will become chief commercial officer of Illumina Inc. (NASDAQ:ILMN) on June 10. Cunningham, a 21-year veteran of Pfizer Inc. (NYSE:PFE), was most recently CCO at Exact Sciences Corp. (NASDAQ:EXAS). He succeeds interim CCO Bas Verhoef, who will remain head of region for Europe. …