L3/L4 High Velocity Low Amplitude Technique Influence On Baropodometric Pressures In Healthy Young Adults


Study First Submitted Date 2020-05-18
Study First Posted Date 2020-06-04
Last Update Posted Date 2023-03-01
Start Month Year January 2024
Primary Completion Month Year September 2024
Verification Month Year February 2023
Verification Date 2023-02-28
Last Update Posted Date 2023-03-01

Detailed Descriptions

Sequence: 20563792
Description The postural control it´s a fundamental aspect to understand the human´s capacity to perform activities. These balance is controlled by several mechanisms such as the proprioceptive system of muscles and articulation joints. It is known that the High Velocity Low Amplitude (HVLA) technique shows biomechanical and neurophysiologic effects. By saying that, it is importance to understand the effects of the lumbar manipulation on body´s weight distribution. Therefore, there is going to be measure several variables such as center of pressure oscillation , plantar pressure distribution and plantar contact area using a pressure platform.


Sequence: 198532390
Name Escola Superior da Saúde do Porto
City Porto
Zip 4200-072
Country Portugal


Sequence: 51765009
Name Healthy
Downcase Name healthy

Id Information

Sequence: 39833951
Id Source org_study_id
Id Value OST1-004


Sequence: 42233200
Name Portugal
Removed False

Design Groups

Sequence: 55185679 Sequence: 55185680
Group Type Experimental Group Type Sham Comparator
Title HVLA L3/4 Group Title Control Group
Description In each participant, blind assessors will perform pre-intervention measurements of dislocation of center of pressure (CoP), plantar pressure mean and plantar contact area in a baropodometric pressure platform. Next, the investigator will perform the HVLA technique in L3/L4 joint articulation. Then, the same measurements before described will be repeated, by the assessors 1 minute after the intervention. Description In each participant, blind assessors will perform pre-intervention measurements of dislocation of center of pressure (CoP), plantar pressure mean and plantar contact area in a baropodometric pressure platform. Next, the investigator will perform a Sham technique. Then, the same measurements before described will be repeated, by the assessors 1 minute after the intervention.


Sequence: 52086474 Sequence: 52086475
Intervention Type Other Intervention Type Other
Name HVLA L3/4 Name Sham
Description The participant will be lateral decubitus and the investigator will locate the third lumbar vertebra. Then with one hand the investigator will contact the interspinous space underlying L3 and with the other hand he will take the top leg into flexion until the investigator feels tension in L3/L4 joint. Then he puls the tables´s arm until felling tension in the region to be manipulated. Afterwards the investigator will globally rotate the participant in the horizontal plane and will approach to the L3/L4 joint. With one arm the investigator will contact the deltopectoral groove and with the other one will contact the external iliac fossa. Finally, the investigator will compress and rotate the pelvis and will apply an impulse in a rapid rotation, without losing the parameters with a “body drop” allowed by the flexion of the knees and the contraction of the large pectorals. Description The participant will be in lateral decubitus and the top leg and knee will be flexed until the foot reaches the popliteal region of the other leg. There won’t be applied any tension in no structure. This intervention will be applied during 90 seconds each side.


Sequence: 79199615 Sequence: 79199616 Sequence: 79199617 Sequence: 79199618 Sequence: 79199619
Name Lumbar Manipulation Name High Velocity Low Amplitude (HVLA) technique Name Baropodometry Name Osteopathy Name Plantar Weight Distribution
Downcase Name lumbar manipulation Downcase Name high velocity low amplitude (hvla) technique Downcase Name baropodometry Downcase Name osteopathy Downcase Name plantar weight distribution

Design Outcomes

Sequence: 176070401 Sequence: 176070402 Sequence: 176070403
Outcome Type primary Outcome Type secondary Outcome Type secondary
Measure Change from Baseline of center of pressure displacement after intervention Measure Change from Baseline of plantar pressure mean Measure Change from Baseline of plantar contact area
Time Frame Immediately after the intervention Time Frame Immediately after the intervention Time Frame Immediately after the intervention
Description To obtain the center of pressure displacement measurements, it will be used Emed / CL program. This outcome will be measured either in sagittal plane in anteroposterior direction (x-axis) and in frontal plane in medial-lateral direction (y-axis) The participant will be standing in Emed pressure platform in upright position,with relaxed mouth, upper limbs along the body and feet shoulder-width apart, looking to an object standing 1 meter in front of participant´s eyes during 60 seconds. The Emed/ CL program will determine the This procedure will be repeated 3 times. The participant will rest sited on chair during 30 seconds between each measurements evaluation. Description Plantar pressure mean is measure by Emed / CL program. It´s the average of all pressure values for each measurement, divided by the number of measurements for each sensor. The pressure unit used is Kilopascals (kPa). The participant will be standing in Emed pressure platform in upright position,with relaxed mouth, upper limbs along the body and feet shoulder-width apart, looking to an object standing 1 meter in front of participant´s eyes during 60 seconds. This procedure will be repeated 3 times. The participant will rest sited on chair during 30 seconds between each measurements evaluation. Description Plantar contact area corresponds to the measurement of the contact region of the foot with the platform sensors. It is determined by the sum of the area of all sensors activated within a given region.The plantar contact area unit is cm2 (square centimeters) The participant will be standing in Emed pressure platform in upright position,with relaxed mouth, upper limbs along the body and feet shoulder-width apart, looking to an object standing 1 meter in front of participant´s eyes during 60 seconds. This procedure will be repeated 3 times. The participant will rest sited on chair during 30 seconds between each measurements evaluation.


Sequence: 47941379
Agency Class OTHER
Lead Or Collaborator lead
Name Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto

Overall Officials

Sequence: 29046883
Role Principal Investigator
Name Natália MO Campelo, PhD
Affiliation Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto

Central Contacts

Sequence: 11927250
Contact Type primary
Name Natália MO Campelo, PhD
Phone 00351 22 206 1000
Email ncampelo.estsp.ipp@gmail.com
Role Contact

Design Group Interventions

Sequence: 67656851 Sequence: 67656852
Design Group Id 55185679 Design Group Id 55185680
Intervention Id 52086474 Intervention Id 52086475


Sequence: 30527668
Gender All
Minimum Age 18 Years
Maximum Age 25 Years
Healthy Volunteers Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Criteria Inclusion Criteria: Individuals aged between 18-25 years old; Exclusion Criteria: Pregnancy; With the follow conditions: lumbar discal hernia, spondylolisthesis with neurologic influence, narrowing of medullar canal, rheumatic disease, orthopaedic or neurologic conditions such as diminished sensibility, lack or absence of muscular strength, absence of patellar and/or aquilus reflexes; History of chirurgical intervention either on lumbar or lower limbs in the past 6 months; History of any trauma on the lumbar spine or lower limbs in the past 6 months; Any type of treatment on the lumbar in the previous month: that implicates physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic, myofascial treatment, acupuncture or others; Medication that affects the vestibular system (dizziness, vertigo and humming) Pain during que experimental study; Difference between the length of the lower limbs: above 1.5cm;
Adult True
Child False
Older Adult False

Calculated Values

Sequence: 254096131
Number Of Facilities 1
Registered In Calendar Year 2020
Were Results Reported False
Has Us Facility False
Has Single Facility True
Minimum Age Num 18
Maximum Age Num 25
Minimum Age Unit Years
Maximum Age Unit Years
Number Of Primary Outcomes To Measure 1
Number Of Secondary Outcomes To Measure 2


Sequence: 30276540
Allocation Randomized
Intervention Model Parallel Assignment
Observational Model
Primary Purpose Other
Time Perspective
Masking Double
Masking Description Each participant will pull from a bag within equally number of folded papers with letter A (Intervention Group) and letter B (Control Group) and it will be handled to the investigator. The outcome assessors won´t also have any contact with the investigator and participant whilst intervention.
Subject Masked True
Outcomes Assessor Masked True

Responsible Parties

Sequence: 28656240
Responsible Party Type Principal Investigator
Name Natália Maria Oliveira Campelo
Title professor
Affiliation Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto

Study References

Sequence: 51657904 Sequence: 51657905 Sequence: 51657906 Sequence: 51657907
Pmid 24494737 Pmid 31105036 Pmid 21570892 Pmid 21819594
Reference Type background Reference Type background Reference Type background Reference Type background
Citation Mendez-Sanchez R, Gonzalez-Iglesias J, Sanchez-Sanchez JL, Puente-Gonzalez AS. Immediate effects of bilateral sacroiliac joint manipulation on plantar pressure distribution in asymptomatic participants. J Altern Complement Med. 2014 Apr;20(4):251-7. doi: 10.1089/acm.2013.0192. Epub 2014 Feb 4. Citation Gyer G, Michael J, Inklebarger J, Tedla JS. Spinal manipulation therapy: Is it all about the brain? A current review of the neurophysiological effects of manipulation. J Integr Med. 2019 Sep;17(5):328-337. doi: 10.1016/j.joim.2019.05.004. Epub 2019 May 9. Citation Grassi Dde O, de Souza MZ, Ferrareto SB, Montebelo MI, Guirro EC. Immediate and lasting improvements in weight distribution seen in baropodometry following a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust manipulation of the sacroiliac joint. Man Ther. 2011 Oct;16(5):495-500. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2011.04.003. Epub 2011 May 14. Citation Garcia AN, Gondo FL, Costa RA, Cyrillo FN, Silva TM, Costa LC, Costa LO. Effectiveness of the back school and mckenzie techniques in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain: a protocol of a randomised controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2011 Aug 5;12:179. doi: 10.1186/1471-2474-12-179.