Iterative pseudo balancing for stem cell microscopy image classification – Scientific Reports

Iterative pseudo balancing framework

Biological datasets present unique circumstances for image feature modeling and classification. Unlike the standardized natural image benchmark datasets such as ImageNet34 or CIFAR1035, medical and biological images often require extensive curation and pre-processing as well as special considerations for network architecture and training procedures. For example, regions-of-interest within microscopy images generally contain high variability in terms of local entropy and fine-grained patterns. Furthermore, manual annotation across an entire dataset for use in neural network training poses practical issues in terms of time, and analytical redundancy caused by having to pre-sort every image in the dataset before training the neural network. In other words, it defeats the purpose of training a machine learning algorithm for biological image classification if manual annotation must be performed on a large dataset to train, test, and validate the initial model.

Another very important consideration is the effect of class imbalances on semi-supervised learning. The meta-pseudo-labels33 algorithm utilized in this work suffers from overfitting as a result of confirmation bias when trained on imbalanced datasets. This causes the model to devalue the features of the least prevalent classes in its classification decision. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the semi-supervised model with a balanced view of the dataset classes to avoid overfitting on the most prevalent class. In this paper, Iterative Psuedo Balancing (IPB) is introduced to address these challenges by using semi-supervised pseudo-labeling to balance image classes. Figure 1 describes the proposed approach for the IPB framework. The numbered training and testing steps are as follows:

  1. a.

    Training Initialization

    1. 1.

      The dataset is split by taking a portion of the images in each class for training the student using pseudo-labeled images (U), pre-training and updating the teacher network (L) and testing the student network (T).

    2. 2.

      Training is performed over the course of N epochs, for which a single epoch is completed when the student network has seen every image in the unlabeled dataset (U).

    3. 3.

      The HRNet configuration is used for both the teacher and student networks with the training specifications as shown in Fig. 3.

    4. 4.

      The weights of both the teacher and student networks are initialized using Kaiming initialization36.

  2. b.

    Pre-train Teacher Network

    1. 5.

      The teacher network is pre-trained, in a fully supervised manner, using a small, balanced, labeled subset of the dataset (L). Pre-training allows the teacher network to provide informed pseudo-labels to the unlabeled dataset during the iterative pseudo balancing phase, however, the teacher is also updated during the IPB phase in relation to the students performance on the labeled dataset.

  3. c.

    Train IPB

    1. 6.

      The teacher network (initially pre-trained) is used to provide pseudo-labels to random image patches (one from each image) from the unlabeled dataset (U). The pseudo-labels are then used to balanced the imbalanced dataset using resampling from a multinomial distribution in relation to the weighted class proportions as determined by the teachers pseudo-labels.

    2. 7.

      The balanced pseudo-labeled dataset is used to update the student network by collecting the students predictions on the pseudo-labeled images patches. The weights of the student network are updated in relation to the cross-entropy loss between the students predictions and the image pseudo-labels from the teacher (see Eq. (1)).

    3. 8.

      To update the teacher, the predictions from the updated student network on the labeled images (L) are collected and the cross-entropy loss between the students predictions on the labeled dataset and the actual class labels is used to update the teacher (see Eq. (2)). This allows the teacher network to learn more robust pseudo-labels with each training epoch in order to provide the student with more accurate pseudo-labels.

    4. 9.

      Steps (6-8), are repeated for N epochs until both the teacher and student networks converge, as monitored by the cross-entropy loss values from each network, as shown in Fig. 2. At the end of training, the student network with the highest classification accuracy over the course of training is taken as the final network for testing.

  4. d.

    Test IPB

    1. 10.

      The trained student network is evaluated with the remaining testing data (T). One patch from each image in the testing dataset is provided to the network to perform image level testing. Network predictions for each image are collected and compared to the image labels for the testing dataset to perform final classification.

    2. 11.

      The final classification is the maximum value of the softmax probability across the four morphological classes for every image in the testing dataset.

Figure 1
figure 1

The overall diagram for the Iterative Pseudo-Balancing framework. (Top row) The dataset is divided into three parts, two smaller labeled subsets for training the teacher and testing the student, and a larger, unlabeled dataset for training the student network using iterative pseudo-balancing. (Bottom row) a. the teacher network is pre-trained on the balanced, labeled dataset. b. the IPB algorithm uses the pseudo-labels from the pre-trained teacher to resample and balance the unlabeled dataset during each epoch for training the student network. The teacher is then updated in relation to the classification performance of the students predictions on the labeled data. This process is repeated until the network converges. c. The trained student network is validated on the testing dataset. Details of this procedure are outlined in the section below.

Meta pseudo labels algorithm

As previously discussed, self-supervised and semi-supervised methods present a unique opportunity to avoid expensive pre-processing, curation, and manual annotation in training neural networks. However, these contrastive learning methods do not adequately account for dataset imbalances and fail to incorporate domain knowledge to guide model learning. Therefore, there is a need to address these issues using semi-supervised learning so that researchers can more effectively employ deep learning to standardize and accelerate their experimental analysis. To accomplish this, a meta-pseudo-labeling (MPL)33 algorithm is used as a basis for the proposed framework. MPL uses a student-teacher network configuration to learn features from unlabeled data, where a small amount of labeled data is used to first pre-train the teacher network, which then provides pseudo-labels for the other portion of unlabeled data at every iteration that is subsequently used to update the student network. The teacher network is updated in relation to the loss associated with classifying the labeled data using the student network as well as with a contrastive loss value inspired by Unsupervised Data Augmentation (UDA)37.

The loss functions for the teacher and student networks shown below highlight the relationship between the two networks during training. Equation (1) is the learning equation to update the parameters of the student network, where the updated student weights, ({theta ‘}_S), are calculated from the initial network weights, ({theta }_S) using the gradient ((nabla _{theta _S})) of the cross-entropy loss, (mathscr {L}_S), between the pseudo-labels provided by the teacher network for the unlabeled images (theta _T(x_u)) (where ((x_u)) is the unlabeled data) and the predictions of the student network on the pseudo-labeled images, (theta _S(x_u)), where (eta _S) is the learning rate of the student network. Equation (2) is the learning equation for updating the parameters of the the teacher network, ({theta }_T), using the gradient ((nabla _{theta _T})) of the cross-entropy loss, (mathscr {L}_l), between the predictions of the updated student network on the labeled images, ({theta ‘}_S(x_l)), and the actual class labels, (x_l), to obtain the new parameters of the teacher network ({theta ‘}_T), where the learning rate of the teacher is (eta _T). In this way, the teacher is iteratively learning from the student network and vice versa, such that the teacher can also learn more robust psuedo-labels for the unlabeled data.

$$begin{aligned}{} & {} {theta ‘}_S = theta _S – eta _Snabla _{theta _S}mathscr {L}_S(theta _T(x_u),theta _S (x_u)) end{aligned}$$


$$begin{aligned}{} & {} {theta ‘}_T = theta _T – eta _Tnabla _{theta _T}mathscr {L}_T(x_l, {theta ‘}_S(x_l)). end{aligned}$$


In a practical research setting, the MPL algorithm allows for a novel microscopy image dataset to be collected, partially annotated, and for the remainder of the raw data to be used as unlabeled input to train the student network in a semi-supervised manner. Consequently, this makes it possible to utilize patches of multi-label images in the training set without having to provide patch level semantic labels. For example, in the case of an experimental protocol for which multiple experimental folds are conducted, the researcher could use a single fold for training and testing the MPL network, and the other folds for cross-validation. In this scenario, the researcher could manually annotate a small portion of one fold for pre-training and testing the teacher network, use a larger, unlabeled, portion of that fold to train the student via MPL learning, and analyze the other folds using the trained network. Subsequent experiments with similar visual classes could then be analyzed in real time using the trained and tested student network without having to annotate more data, and network fine-tuning can be performed to incorporate new data classes. This setup overcomes the need for researchers to annotate the entire dataset for fully supervised learning, greatly improving the efficiency of the image analysis pipeline.

As previously stated the MPL algorithm does not inherently account for class imbalances within a dataset, which can lead to model bias and overfitting. Furthermore, none of the contrastive methods reviewed here include a multi-scale input, which limits the available features for the network to learn. Multi-scale inputs have been used for biological image classification to incorporate large scale image features while still allowing images to be classified by the fine-grained texture features of cellular image classes38. Therefore, the approach outline in this work, Iterative Pseudo Balancing (IPB), utilizes the pseudo-labels estimated by the MPL algorithm to iteratively resample a dataset of image patches such that for each epoch, the network is provided with a balanced dataset, helping to improve model learning. Furthermore, both multi-scale and multi-label inputs are used to improve feature extraction and classification of the network.

Training procedures and architectures

Multiple network configurations are tested using the IPB algorithm to compare the effect of network architecture on stem cell classification accuracy. Different networks have certain advantages and drawbacks depending on the dataset because of the effect of receptive field on image feature mapping39. Specific parameter values such as kernel size, convolutional stride and overlap, and network depth and width contribute to the modeling of features and are often best suited for specific tasks. For example, VGG40 is optimal for modeling fine-grained features like those found in biological datasets, whereas ResNet41 is better for detection of larger objects and regions-of-interest (ROI). In this paper, the VGG19 architecture is used as a baseline configuration, and has been shown previously to produce superior results in comparison to ResNet on stem cell images42.

The High Resolution Network (HRNet)43 is also tested in this work as an example of a more recent network architecture that overcomes the loss of information in low level convolutions by combining network features in parallel to conserve high-level features in deeper layers. HRNet fuses layers along parallel branches in order to conserve spatial features at multiple resolutions, as opposed to convolutional networks that combine layers in series, which results in a loss of high-resolution information at deeper layers. In this way, HRNet is able to more effectively represent high and low level image features with a similar number of overall parameters and computational cost as other neural network architectures.

All network configurations are trained from scratch using 10-fold cross validation, with an 80:10:10, Unlabeled Training:Labeled Training:Testing dataset split. The 10% labeled data is chosen as a standard benchmark for semi-supervised learning methods and is used here to simulate a limited data setting33. The balanced, labeled training data subset, L, is used to pre-train the teacher network, as well as update the teacher during IPB training based on the students predictions over the labeled images. The unlabeled training data, U is used to train the student network with the pseudo-labeled patches from the pre-trained teacher. The labeled testing dataset, T, is used to evalutate the network at the end if IPB training, and is unseen by either of the networks during any of the training steps.

The HRNet used for both the teacher and student networks contains 10 convolutional layers and 5 fully connected layers for a total of 15 layers. All convolutional layers use 3(times)3 filter kernels with stride of 1 pixels and padding of 1 pixel. Each convolutional layer is followed by a batch normalization function and ReLU activation. Down-sampling layers use 3(times)3 filter kernels with stride of 2 pixels and padding of 1 pixel. The number of filter channels in each layer is given in Fig. 3. A batch size of 32 is used during pre-training and training of the IPB algorithm. Both the teacher and student networks are initialized using Kaiming Initialization36 before beginning any of the training steps.

Hyperparameters for the stochastic gradient descent optimizer were determined empirically and include a learning rate of 0.005, weight decay of 0.0001, and momentum of 0.9, as well as the number of training epochs, which is the epoch at which training stabilizes as determined by the cross entropy loss. The teacher network is pre-trained on the small labeled dataset for 200 epochs and the IPB network is trained for of 200 epochs, where one epoch is determined when the student sees every pseudo-labeled image of the unlabeled dataset. Dataset augmentations (described in the following section) are performed on the training dataset to increase image variability, and ensure spatial invariance. When IPB training is complete, the student network with the highest accuracy is taken for performing network evaluation using the labeled testing dataset. Figure 2 displays the loss function for the student and teacher networks. The IPB training algorithm performs 10 epochs for warm-up of the student network, as evident by the plateau present at the beginning of the loss curve for the student network.

Figure 2
figure 2

Training loss curves for the teacher and student networks, averaged over multiple runs. At the beginning of the training, the teacher loss increases while the student is still in the warm-up phase, where the learning rate is kept low to allow for the student to catch up to the teacher. After this phase, the teacher and student losses begin to go down, and stabilize over the course of training. As training progresses, the student network producing the best classification accuracy is taken as the network used for evaluation.

Data pre-processing

Cell colony detection

Before training, several data pre-processing steps are performed to reduce irrelevant information from input images. Firstly, the raw microscope images measure 2908 (times) 2908 pixels and contain several cellular colonies within a single image. To remove background area, these colony ROIs are extracted from the image using a morphological segmentation scheme that includes the following steps (with specific parameters and OpenCV (Version 4.5.5) functions included): 1. Gaussian blurring (cv2.GaussianBlur, kernel size 3(times)3), 2. entropy filtering (skimage.filters.rank.entropy, disk filter size 3), 3. binarization via Otsu thresholding (skimage.filters.threshold_otsu), 4. morphological opening (skimage.morphology.opening, disk filter size 3), 5. hole filling (scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes), 6. small object removal (skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects with filter size of 2000 pixels).

Bounding boxes containing these binarized areas are cropped out of the raw images and used to build a dataset of single colony images containing either one of the four individual morphological classes (Dense, Differentiated, Spread, Debris) or multi-label images that contain more than one morphological class. The binary maps are also used as a boundary from which patches are taken within the borders of the cell colony, such that every image contains relevant class information. During training, random image patches are selected from the image within the colony ROI. An example of a binary map for a gray scale input image can be found in Fig. 5.

Multi-scale input

There is an important distinction to make when referring to scale and resolution in terms of optical microscopy and image properties. For the optical light microscope used to capture the image dataset in this work, the term resolution refers to the smallest distance between two discernible points of light captured within an image, whereas scale is used to determine the size of objects that can be observed within the image. For images captured using a specific objective magnification (in this case 10x), the resolution of the image is a fixed value that is related to the spacial distance represented by a given number of pixels, and scale is related to the number of pixels comprising an image in a given region-of-interest. These two terms can sometimes be used interchangeably when discussing images because they can both have similar effects on image output (i.e. changing image scale can also affect the resolution of the image). For the purposes of this paper, the term scale is taken to mean the size of the input image at a given resolution, and therefore multi-scale refers to taking multiple size patches from the original image with a fixed resolution.

Using multi-scale inputs can have several advantages over a single-scale because of the nature of deep feature extraction, including image down-sampling steps performed by the neural network which result in low-level feature representations of the input image, where some fine grained features can be lost in feature space. Conversely, when providing multiple image scales, features at multiple input levels can be provided to the network for training, which allows for modeling of local and global features separately. For example, Christiansen et al. perform in-silico labeling of histopathology images by using multi-scale inputs to convert immunohistopathological images to fluorescent staining without the use of fluorescent microscopy38. They successfully segment various cellular structures using a multi-head output, but their network is very large and extremely expensive computationally, making it impractical to train in a normal research setting. The importance of input feature variability cannot be over-emphasized when trying to improve model training. Both global and local features contribute to model learning, and multi-scale inputs can help to improve classification accuracy for deep learning models by providing multiple views of the input at different scales.

Given these considerations, the method in this paper leverages multi-scale, and multi-label inputs, and performs resampling of an imbalanced dataset using pseudo-labels for morphological image patches to improve feature extraction during training. This approach allows for colony images containing multiple classes to be used in a patch wise manner to inform model learning by increasing the features available to the network. It is shown empirically here that this method displays improvement over standard convolutional neural networks, as well as similar methods of contrastive learning for biological datasets.

The single-scale networks used for the training configurations in this work are modified to accept multi-scale inputs. For the single scale architecture, size 128 (times) 128 image patches are extracted from the training images as input for the network. For the multi-scale configuration, the high scale input is a 224 (times) 224 image patch and the lower scale is a 112 (times) 112 center patch of the higher scale image. This allows for the resulting feature vectors of the two inputs to be concatenated at equal lengths before the final classification layers of the network. A diagram of the multi-scale VGG network architecture is shown in Fig. 3, and image samples at various scales can be seen in Fig. 4.

Figure 3
figure 3

Overview of multi-scale VGG Network Architecture. Image patches of size 224 and 112 are provided as input to two separate network streams, from which feature vectors of 512 are concatenated and used to make a classification decision over the four classes. Numbers on top of features maps indicate image size at the corresponding cross section, and the legend in the top right displays the number of filter channels in each color coded layer. Batch normalization is added between every convolutional layer, as well as after the feature concatenation layer, and ReLU activation is used between all layers until the final classification.

Figure 4
figure 4

Sample image patches for every class at three scales (112, 128, and 224). Different views of image features are provided at each scale. At the lowest scale, 112 (times) 112, local views of fine-grain texture patterns are predominant. At the 128 (times) 128 scale, local texture features are present but global features, such as edges, are also observable. At the 224 (times) 224 scale colony shape becomes an important feature because images contain views of entire colonies.

These input scales are determined based on the relationship between optical properties of the microscope used for data collection and the relevant optical feature scale of cellular colonies in the images. Individual cell sizes can range from 10-100 (mu m), and due to the combination of optical parameters of the microscope unit used for data collection in this work, the individual pixel size of the live cell images is 0.8 (mu m)44. Therefore, a line of 128 pixels equates to 102.4 (mu m) within the region of interest. The larger scale image patch, 224 (times) 224, encompasses a more global view of the input image (179.2 (mu m^2)) and contains features such as colony shape, edges, and surrounding area. The smaller-scale input patch, 112 (times) 112 (89.6 (mu m^2)), captures the morphological texture patterns of the cellular area within a colony. Both image patch scales contribute useful information for the network to learn, and the concatenation of learned feature vectors provides more information for the network to use in its classification decision.

The networks are then trained to learn features of the input patches and sort them into the four morphological classes. Some of the images contain areas of more than one image class and because they were captured without the use of stains of fluorescent biomolecules, they would not be usable in traditional deep learning training configurations which necessitate image level labels as a minimal requirement. However, using the IPB algorithm, image patches from multi-label images can be used to train the student network when given pseudo-labels by the teacher network.

Multi-label input

Figure 5 provides an example of a multi-label colony image that contains areas of all four of the relevant image classes. The colonies in these images contain multiple cell classes with contiguous boundaries. As described above, it is very difficult to provide sub-image level labels for these inputs because there exists no pixel level ground-truth in the dataset and as a result these images are useless for training traditional CNN architectures using reinforcement learning. However, the IPB algorithm provides an avenue for including image patches from multi-label images without providing semantic labels.

Figure 5
figure 5

(Right) Binary map of cell colony area calculated using morphological segmentation. This map is used to reduce the presence of background area when taking image patches. (Center) Example of a large-scale (1325 (times) 1123) multi-label image containing areas of each of the individual four classes. (Left) 128 (times) 128 patches of images and their corresponding locations within the larger image (from top to bottom: Dense, Debris, Spread, Differentiated). The high background to foreground ratio makes taking random patches from within the binary map of the colony a crucial step in providing relevant information to the model.

This is accomplished by simply providing image patches of multi-label images to the teacher network and conserving those image patch areas for each minibatch of inputs. Additionally, the MPL algorithm determines both soft pseudo-labels, as well as hard pseudo-labels provided to the student network using a prediction confidence threshold of than 0.65. In this way, any class overlap that might be captured in a random image patch can be filtered out before reaching the student network. By including multi-label images, the network is provided with more variability of class input features. Random image patches are resampled for every epoch, allowing the network to learn from a balanced dataset distribution on the fly.

Dataset augmentations

Every random patch input is transformed using a series of random augmentations that includes horizontal and vertical flipping, 0-180 degree rotation, contrast and brightness adjustment, and gaussian blurring. Each of these augmentations is applied independently with a 0.25 probability, and they help to increase the effectiveness of the UDA module that is used to train the teacher network. Furthermore, several inherent augmentations are included in dataset pre-processing which also contribute to variability within the training dataset.

For example, patch crops provide an intrinsic randomized view of input images during each training epoch and introduce different morphological patterns and foreground to background ratios. Also, images that are too small to be cropped within the given patch size necessitate a resizing augmentation that helps account for scale invariance within the image data. These examples of innate augmentations highlight the relevance of biological variability in improving network generalization by expanding the apparent size and scope of the input dataset. Specifically those factors relating to the collection of microscopy data, which can encompass multiple scales, lighting levels, and optical parameters.

Iterative pseudo balancing resampling scheme

The pseudo label resampling scheme proposed in this work is a crucial step in balancing the input dataset for IPB learning. An overview of the pre-training, training, and testing steps are provided in previous sections. In line with the standard MPL algorithm, the pre-trained teacher provides pseudo labels to patch samples of the unlabeled training dataset. Where normally these pseudo labeled images would then be directly used to update the student network, IPB adds an intermediate step that involves balancing the pseudo-labeled image patches by weighting each class based on their relative probabilities within the dataset.

At the beginning of each epoch, the teacher network provides a pseudo label to each random image patch from the unlabeled dataset. Given a dataset with m classes, the minimum number of samples for a given class is (n_i = min (n_1, n_2, ldots , n_m)) for (i = 1 rightarrow m). The proportion of every class in the unlabeled dataset ((p_i)) is determined using the pseudo-labels and samples are drawn from a multinomial distribution with replacement using the inversely proportional weights of the classes within the dataset. The number of images taken from a given class (n_i = p_i * n_i) such that the total number of images taken from a given class can vary given the proportion of image labels in the dataset of image patches. The resampled dataset is used to update the student network, and the student networks performance on the labeled dataset is used to update the teacher networks such that it can provide more accurate pseudo-labels to the student.

Inefficiences in network learning caused by class imbalances are due to the effect of confirmation bias in model learning45, which is when the teacher network overfits on the most prevelent class, so that when the student is provided with random, pseudo-labeled data points, the proportion of these images coming from a given class cannot be controlled, and given the high levels of imbalance present in the dataset used for this work, the network begins to only learn features of the most prevalent class. The IPB resampling scheme proposed in this work overcomes the problem of confirmation bias due to class imbalance by using the pseudo-labels to balance the image dataset on the fly for every training iteration.

Algorithm 1
figure a

Iterative Psuedo Balancing Algorithm.