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GE HealthCare unveils new digital tool for AFib at ESC



GE HealthCare has revealed its latest digital tool, CardioVisio for Atrial Fibrillation (AFib), at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress 2023 in Amsterdam.

Defective electrical signals from the heart’s upper chambers can create irregular and rapid heartbeats which increase the risk for stroke and other disesases.The CardioVisio device analyses data from multiple sources, painting a picture of the patient’s heart over time, giving healthcare providers direct insights to help them manage AFib.

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally, and according to GE HealthCareover 60% are preventable or premature. AFib is one of the most common arrhythmias diagnosed in clinical practice. Despite this, 30% of AFib cases go undiagnosed in routine check-ups.

A GlobalData report shows that the condition is responsible for over 450,000 hospitalisations each year in the US alone.

Eigil Samset, PhD, the General Manager of Cardiology Solutions at GE HealthCare, emphasised the need for a more streamlined and patient-centric approach: “Existing diagnosis and treatment care models for AFib have been shown to be complex, time-consuming, and disconnected, with disparate guidelines and poor guideline adherence,” said Samset.

“With CardioVisio for AFib, we’re providing cardiologists with a powerful tool that streamlines clinician image interpretation and provides a view of the history of the patient’s heart as well as their healthcare journey, including previous diagnoses, prescribed medications, interventions, and comorbidities.”

Because CardioVisio amalgamates data from multiple sources it can offer patients personalised treatment while avoiding misdiagnosis.Dr. Kenneth Civello, an electrophysiologist and cardiologist at Louisiana Cardiology Associates, praised the technology’s ability to simplify complex patient data.

“Our busy clinicians face a multitude of disparate patient data generated from years of diagnostic exams, medications, medical appointments, and interventions. CardioVisio for AFib incorporates algorithms that intake available relevant data as triggers for industry-published guidelines, which can help ease the burden of data overload on our staff and will enable us as healthcare providers to provide timelier, personalized, and evidence-based care to our patients.”

CardioVisio is commercially available in the United States and GE HealthCare said it has plans to expand its availability in the coming months after incorporating additional regional guidelines. The device will not be commercially available in the EU market until it complies with EU 2017/745 guidelines. 

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