The TRIC synthesizes circRNAs efficiently
Group I introns can also act as trans-ribozymes20,21 (Fig. 1c). Therefore, once the target sequence is connected to the 3′ end of the ribozyme (Fig. 1d), the splicing reaction produces circRNAs. This trans-ribozyme-based circularization (TRIC) approach keeps the intact ribozyme upstream of target sequences and thus allows efficient local folding of the entire ribozyme.
To test the TRIC method, we selected the Anabaena transfer (t)RNALeu group I intron as it is short (249 nt) and highly active (Extended Data Fig. 1)6,22. The Anabaena intron is situated in the tRNA anticodon arm (ACA) and utilizes its internal guide sequence (IGS) to form P1 and P10 interactions with flanking exons13 (Fig. 2a and Extended Data Fig. 1). To retain P1 and P10, part of the tRNALeu was preserved in TRIC-V0 for circularizing a 141 nt 3×Flag sequence (Fig. 2b). We analysed the in vitro transcription (IVT) sample using a 12% urea–polyacrylamide gel and identified the 403 nt full-length precursor (FL), the 257 nt spliced linear intron, and two unknown species (I and II; Fig. 2c, left). In a subsequent 6% urea–polyacrylamide gel, the electroeluted RNAs I and II both exhibited a minor species that either matched the linear intron or the nicked 3×Flag, suggesting that I is the circular intron and II is the circular 3×Flag (circ3×Flag; Fig. 2c, right). The circularity and identity were further confirmed by reverse transcription followed by PCR (RT–PCR) and Sanger sequencing (Fig. 2d,e). Due to the apparent presence of circ3×Flag, we concluded that the TRIC-V0 construct circularizes the 3×Flag sequence efficiently during IVT (Extended Data Fig. 2a,b).
An extended guide sequence (EGS) and the internal loop between EGS and IGS are key for enhancing the efficiency of trans-ribozymes23,24. Therefore, we next constructed TRIC-V1 by introducing a 20 or 23 bp EGS and internal loops to TRIC-V0 (Fig. 2f, right and Extended Data Fig. 2d). All tested V1 variants circularized the 3×Flag efficiently (Fig. 2f, left). Since V1.0 yielded the highest circRNA to intron ratio, we chose this construct for subsequent optimizations (Extended Data Fig. 2a,c).
A new protocol enables synthesis of circRNAs >8,000 nt
Next, we wanted to evaluate the performance of V1.0 in circularizing long GOIs and compare it with the PIE (Fig. 2g). Gel analysis suggested that V1.0 has a higher cotranscriptional splicing efficiency than the PIE for the Coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3)-contained enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), Firefly luciferase (Fluc), spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 (Spike) and Cas9 (Fig. 2h). Twenty minutes of post-transcriptional circularization at 55 °C reduced the amount of FL for all constructs. However, due to severe nicking and degradation, we were unable to identify circRNA bands.
Mg2+ ions and elevated temperatures are the primary causes of RNA nicking6. Since both are essential for IVT and circularization, we reasoned that suppressing cotranscriptional circularization and accelerating post-transcriptional circularization are rational ways to reduce nicking of the circRNA product. We titrated Mg2+ in the IVT reactions and found that cotranscriptional circularization was suppressed using ≤16 mM Mg2+ at 24 mM NTP concentration25 (Extended Data Fig. 2e). Notably, IVT yield is only significantly reduced when the Mg2+ concentration is lower than 12 mM (Extended Data Fig. 2f). Using the generated FL for post-transcriptional circularization, V1.0 circularized all GOIs efficiently, including the 8,706 nt Factor 8 (Fig. 2i and Extended Data Fig. 2g–j) (see below for circRNA band assignment). Prolonged circularization decreased the FL, but also increased circRNA nicking. Moreover, a direct comparison between V1.0 and PIE at 20 min of circularization revealed comparable efficiencies (ratio of converted FL) (Extended Data Fig. 2k). Notably, the absence of circular Spike, Cas9 and Factor 8 in the widely used co-post-transcriptional circularization protocol (Fig. 2h) suggests that the FL post-transcriptional circularization protocol is essential for synthesis of circRNAs >5,000 nt.
Native agarose gels can separate circRNAs from their linear counterparts
It is assumed that native agarose gels cannot resolve circRNA and its linear form4,11. However, we consistently observed two distinct bands, which were both resistant to RNase R exonuclease treatment, at the rough position of circEGFP in a 0.8% agarose gel (Fig. 3a,b). When the gel-purified lower band was linearized by RNase H, it migrated similarly to the upper band, indicating that the lower and the upper bands are circular and nicked EGFP, respectively (Fig. 3c). This suggests that circEGFP moves faster than nicked EGFP in native agarose gels.
To see whether this is a general trend, we analysed circRNAs spanning lengths from 813 to 5,757 nt on 0.8%, 1.5% and 3% native agarose gels (Fig. 3d–f). In the 0.8% gel, the P2A-EGFP (no CVB3, 813 nt) and the Fluc (2,601 nt) behaved similarly to the EGFP (Fig. 3d). For the Spike, two largely overlapping bands appeared below the FL. However, a new band appeared above the Cas9-FL. This slow-moving band remained in the 1.5% gel and was also observed for the Spike, suggesting it is circRNA (Fig. 3e). The separation for the other circRNAs is reduced in the 1.5% gel, indicating that increasing agarose concentration more significantly decreases the mobility of circRNAs than that of linear RNAs. This was further confirmed using a 3% gel, where all circRNAs ran slower than their linear counterparts (Fig. 3f). Circularity of these slow-moving bands in the 3% gel was confirmed by RNase R digestion (Extended Data Fig. 3a). These results demonstrate that sufficient separation between circRNA and its linear counterpart is achievable in native agarose gels (see also Extended Data Fig. 4).
The urea–agarose gel system provides excellent separation between circRNAs and their linear equivalents
Next, we tested denaturing agarose gels for separation of circRNAs and their linear forms. In formaldehyde agarose gels, we observed separation only for Spike and Cas9 in a 1.5% gel (Extended Data Fig. 3b,c). Due to its toxicity, formaldehyde can be substituted with urea26. Notably, in a 6 M–1.5% urea–agarose gel, all tested circRNAs moved drastically slower than their linear counterparts (Fig. 3g). Lowering the urea or agarose concentration reduced the separation (Fig. 3h,i and Extended Data Fig. 3d,e). In a 6 M–4% gel, even the 141 nt circ3×Flag ran slower than its nicked form (Extended Data Fig. 3f). We also observed that extending the running time or increasing the running power enhanced the separation (Extended Data Fig. 3g–j). Notably, electrophoresis of these gels only takes <30 min, making it a rapid method for circRNA identification (Extended Data Fig. 4).
The TRIC-V2 enables RNA circularization without unwanted sequences
An ideal TRIC construct should have minimal sequence requirements while remaining efficient (Fig. 4a). However, both V1.0 and PIE rely on native splicing sequences that will remain part of the final circRNAs. To address this limitation, we reduced the tRNA sequence to retain only P1 and P10 (V1.30; Extended Data Fig. 5). However, this markedly reduced the circularization efficiency (Fig. 4b). Restoring the R30 (V1.33) recovered the efficiency to V1.0 level while restoring the L15 (V1.32) or introducing a 3′ exon–EGS interaction (V1.31) did not. Further optimizations of the L/R lengths (V1.34–1.39) showed that the 17 nt ACA (V1.39) is the minimal sequence for achieving the V1.0 efficiency25.
Since structures, rather than sequences, are crucial for group I intron activity27, we next generated various V2 constructs that do not rely on native splicing sequences (Extended Data Fig. 5l–n) with altered anticodon stems (V2.0 and V2.1) or reversed P1 and P10, while keeping the U for the G•U base pair, essential for the splicing reaction (V2.2). All constructs circularized efficiently (Fig. 4b), thus, V2 minimally requires an extended ACA (eACA) comprising a 7 nt loop with a U at the third position and a ≥5 bp stem for efficient circularization (Fig. 4c and Extended Data Fig. 6a). We then tested circularization of three longer protein coding circRNAs. Multiple eACAs were found in each coding sequence (CDS) and all GOIs were circularized efficiently (Fig. 4d). Due to the small size and sequence requirements of this eACA motif, suitable sites can be easily identified or, in case of protein CDS, engineered by making use of codon redundancy. Alternatively, short (<5 nt) insertions can be made in non-coding regions (Fig. 4c).
The TRIC-V2 is faster than the PIE
The circularization efficiency was highest for the natural circZnf60928, which exhibits the longest stem (11 bp) among the three constructs (Fig. 4d), suggesting that longer stems lead to higher efficiency. To further investigate this, we generated V2 constructs with stem lengths of 15 and 25 bp. As expected, V2 (stem of 15 or 25 bp) outperformed V1.0 (stem of 5 bp) in circularizing EGFP (Fig. 5a). Notably, further extending the EGS to 40 nt did not obviously enhance the efficiency.
The superior efficiency of V2 over V1.0 suggests that V2 would probably outperform PIE as well. To compare V2 and PIE, we circularized EGFP, Spike and Cas9-FL for 1–4 min (Fig. 5b–d). V2 (stem of 25 bp) outperformed PIE in efficiency for all tested candidates. For instance, in 1 min, V2 (stem of 25 bp) converted over half of the FL into circEGFP, while PIE only converted a small portion (Fig. 5b). The higher efficiency is reflected by the construct kinetics: using the Michaelis–Menten analysis22, we found that Vmax of the V2 (stem of 25 bp) is 3.7 times higher than the PIE Vmax in the EGFP circularization (Fig. 5e and Extended Data Fig. 6b–q). V2 (stem of 25 bp) showed higher efficiency compared with V2 (stem of 15 bp), suggesting potential space for further efficiency improvement. Additionally, PIE generated a substantial number of concatenations, which were mostly absent from V2 (Fig. 5b).
Next, we compared EGFP circularization efficiency, yield and nicking between EGFP V2 (stem of 25 bp) and PIE constructs (Fig. 5f and Extended Data Fig. 5r). In 3 min, V2 (stem of 25 bp) achieved slightly higher efficiency and yield than PIE in 8 min, with significantly less nicking. Extending the circularization time to 8 min improved V2 (stem of 25 bp) to 97.8% efficiency and 74.8% yield (90.3% of the yield limit), but also increased nicking. Notably, using the FL post-transcriptional circularization protocol, PIE improved yield and nicking from previously reported values of ~50% and ~20% to 65.5% and 9.3%, respectively6. Further yield enhancement from 65.5% (PIE) to 74.8% (V2) should be attributed to the higher circularization rate of V2.
Recent studies have described Tetrahymena thermophila (Tetra) group I intron-derived constructs, the Tetra-STS29 and the Tetra-Rzy30, for circRNA synthesis. We compared these with V2 by cloning CVB3-EGFP into Tetra-STS (AU-rich no. 16) and Tetra-Rzy (CVB3 IRES-GFP) constructs. As shown in Fig. 5g,h, V2 outperforms both constructs. Additionally, the Tetra-V2 also produced circCVB3-EGFP efficiently, demonstrating that optimizations from the Ana intron can be effectively applied to other group I introns.
Immunogenicity of circRNAs is low
The immunogenicity of circRNAs remains debatable8,11,16,31,32. Recent research suggested that PIE-derived residual bacterial sequences cause circRNA immunogenicity16. Given that V2-derived circRNAs lack bacterial sequences, they might be less immunogenic than PIE circRNAs. To test this, we designed V2 CVB3-EGFP and CVB3-Nano luciferase (Nluc) constructs, where the eACA is either formed by the CDS (EGFP, stem of 5 bp) or derived from the 25ES7b stem of human 28S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) (Nluc, stem of 24 bp). CircRNAs were purified by three consecutive high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) runs followed by RNase R digestion8 (HR purification; Fig. 6a). Subsequently, we transfected these circRNAs and controls into A549 (human lung carcinoma) cells and monitored expression of RIG-I (5′-triphosphate sensor) and several cytokines33. As expected, poly(I:C) (double-stranded RNA mimic) and unmodified mRNAs substantially increased RIG-I and cytokine expression compared with the lipofectamine-only control (Fig. 6b). CircRNAs exhibited lower immunogenicity compared with unmodified mRNAs, but still induced notable RIG-I and cytokine expression. We consistently observed reduced immune responses with V2 circNluc compared with PIE circNluc, but not for V2 circEGFP. Therefore, the immunogenicity comparison between V2- and PIE-derived circRNAs remains inconclusive.
RNase R might enrich structured linear RNAs that are immunogenic17. We therefore moved the RNase R digestion before HPLC (RH purification; Extended Data Fig. 7a). Subsequent tests indicated comparable immunogenicity of circRNAs generated by the HR and RH purifications (Extended Data Fig. 7b). However, the V2 circNluc elicited heightened RIG-I expression, suggesting 5′-triphosphate contamination. Thus, we further added an alkaline phosphatase treatment before RNase R (PRH purification; Fig. 7c and Extended Data Fig. 7c). The phosphatase-treated unmodified RNAs indeed exhibited a significantly reduced immunogenicity11,16. Remarkably, all PRH-purified circRNAs failed to induce RIG-I or cytokine expression compared with the lipofectamine only (Fig. 6d). An exception was noted for V2 circEGFP, which induced minimal yet significant CCL5 expression (Fig. 6d, insert). This might be due to FL contamination resulting from the low circularization efficiency (stem of 5 bp). In conclusion, these results support the notion that circRNAs have low immunogenicity8,32.
Synthesis and immunogenicity of modified circRNAs
The significant residual immune response to phosphatase-treated linear mRNAs highlights the potential immunogenicity of nicked circRNAs (Fig. 6d), which could be diminished by RNA modifications34,35,36. However, the PIE, and probably the TRIC as well, are unable to synthesize fully modified circRNAs since modifications could disrupt the ribozyme activity8. Since group I introns can also function as trans-excision ribozymes (TER)37,38,39 (Figs. 1e and 6e), relocating the 3′ and 5′ parts of the bridge to 5′ and 3′ ends of a GOI, respectively, would allow circularization of the GOI in trans (Figs. 1f and 6f and Extended Data Fig. 8a). With this trans-excision ribozyme-based circularization (TERIC), modified GOIs can be circularized by unmodified TERs.
To test this idea, the IGS and 5′ half of the P9.0 were retained in TERs to create P1/P10 and P9.0 interactions between TERs and GOIs38,39. Additionally, the key elements for the TRIC were also preserved (Extended Data Figs. 1 and 8a). Initial tests showed that the TER(1,226) circularized unmodified EGFP efficiently (Fig. 6g and Extended Data Fig. 8b,c). The circularization was confirmed and further optimized (Extended Data Fig. 8d–h). Neither PIE nor TRIC or TERIC produced 100% N6-methyladenosine (m6A) or N1-methylpseudouridine (N1Ψ) modified circRNAs (Extended Data Fig. 9). We realized that these modifications could weaken the AU-rich IGS of TER(1,226) and thus additionally analysed circZnf609, whose IGS is CCGCC. As expected, TERIC synthesized 100% m6A and N1Ψ modified circZnf609 efficiently, but not PIE or TRIC (Fig. 6h). Of note, precursors containing N1Ψ were circularized more efficiently than m6A-modified ones. In summary, TERIC enables efficient synthesis of modified circRNAs.
Next, we tested immunogenicity of the circZnf609 with or without modifications (Fig. 6i,j). Consistently, HR-purified, but not PRH-purified, unmodified circRNAs exhibited significant immunogenicity, regardless of the source (V2 or PIE). However, the modified circZnf609 did not show significant advantages over PRH-purified unmodified circRNAs8. It is possible that longer transfection times or higher doses are required to observe potential differences. In contrast, m6A-modified circZnf609 induced significant RIG-I expression.
TRIC circNluc produces more proteins than PIE circNluc
To study the translation efficiency of TRIC circRNAs, we investigated protein expression from circRNAs containing a CVB3 IRES. In A549 cells, Nluc expression from N1Ψ-modified mRNA peaked at day 1 and then declined rapidly, whereas expression from V2 circNluc peaked at day 2 and remained significantly higher than day 1 up to day 3 (Fig. 7a). Similar patterns were seen in HEK 293F cells (Extended Data Fig. 10a,b). Meanwhile, PIE circNluc expressed similarly to V2 circNluc on day 1, but showed no increase afterwards. Consequently, V2 circNluc led to higher expression after day 2 (Fig. 7a,b). On day 7, V2 circNluc expression remained at almost half the level of that from N1Ψ-modified mRNA on day 1.
Translation efficiency of RCT is increased by over 7,000-fold
Unlike single-shot translation, RCT primarily produces a polyprotein. This can be converted into protein monomers provided with 2A skipping sequences40 (Fig. 7c,d). Instead of using circRNAs with only a CDS, which are inefficient in translation initiation9,10,40, we selected a potent short IRES (OR4F17)40 for the RCT construct. As expected, the circOR4F17-Nluc-RCT produced a significant number of proteins. However, the translation was still orders of magnitude less efficient compared with N1Ψ-modified mRNA (Fig. 7f).
We then asked whether potent viral IRESs could be used for RCT. However, viral IRESs are typically long and highly structured, which could block RCT either by in-frame stop codons or by causing ribosome stalling. Nevertheless, we tested the 373 nt CSFV IRES6,40,41 (Fig. 7e). As expected, multiple stop codons were identified in each frame. We therefore engineered frame 1 to eliminate stop codons and align with the CDS. Notably, the RCT using CSFV IRES showed over a tenfold increase in Nluc expression compared with its single-shot translation and was over 7,000-fold more efficient than the RCT using the OR4F17 IRES (Fig. 7f and Extended Data Fig. 10c).
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