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Curran named Fellow of SAE, ASME

Scott Curran, group leader for Fuel Science and Engine Technologies Research at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has been named a Fellow of SAE International and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, or ASME. 

Credit: ORNL, U.S. Dept. of Energy

Scott Curran, group leader for Fuel Science and Engine Technologies Research at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has been named a Fellow of SAE International and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, or ASME. 

Curran is one of only 24 fellows selected from the more than 128,000 SAE members and one of only 3,336 fellows selected out of the 69,247 ASME members.

SAE recognized Curran for his distinguished contributions to transportation science, including advancing real-world advanced combustion strategies, alternative fuels utilization, and next-generation vehicle technologies for a more sustainable mobility future. He has co-founded and co-chaired two SAE Range Extender Symposiums, organized more than 45 SAE technical sessions, given more than 10 SAE invited presentations, and co-authored 24 SAE papers. Curran is a past recipient of the SAE International Stefan Pischinger Award for Young Industry Leadership and the Forest R. McFarland Award.

As an ASME Fellow, Curran was recognized for his exceptional engineering achievements and contributions to the profession. He currently serves on the executive committee for the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division, where he is also a distinguished associate and has previously served as the undergraduate student competition chair. He has co-authored conference papers across three different ASME divisions and has co-authored multiple ASME journal papers. Curran is a past recipient of the ASME Old Guard Early Career Award and the ASME Best Presentation Award.

At ORNL, Curran’s advancements to improve the understanding of the synergistic use of alternative fuel properties and high-efficiency engine systems have been recognized with two DOE Office of Vehicle Technologies Research Awards. Currently, he is leading a team of researchers focusing on the utilization of low-carbon fuels toward the decarbonization of the off-road, rail, and marine transportation sectors.

Curran completed his doctoral degree in energy science and engineering from the University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute’s Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research, becoming one of the first two graduates from the program. He earned his undergraduate and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

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