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Adult neurogenesis and aging mechanisms: a collection of insights – Scientific Reports

  • Quaresima, S. et al. Assessing the role of ependymal and vascular cells as sources of extracellular cues regulating the mouse ventricular-subventricular zone neurogenic niche. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 10, 845567 (2022).

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  • Denoth-Lippuner, A. & Jessberger, S. Formation and integration of new neurons in the adult hippocampus. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 22, 223–236 (2021).

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  • Navarro Negredo, P., Yeo, R. W. & Brunet, A. Aging and rejuvenation of neural stem cells and their niches. Cell Stem. Cell 27, 202–223 (2020).

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  • Lupo, G., Gioia, R., Nisi, P. S., Biagioni, S. & Cacci, E. Molecular mechanisms of neurogenic aging in the adult mouse subventricular zone. J. Exp. Neurosci. 13, 1179069519829040 (2019).

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  • Poulose, S. M., Miller, M. G., Scott, T. & Shukitt-Hale, B. Nutritional factors affecting adult neurogenesis and cognitive function. Adv. Nutr. Bethesda Md 8, 804–811 (2017).

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  • Llorens-Martín, M. Exercising new neurons to vanquish Alzheimer disease. Brain Plast. Amst. Neth. 4, 111–126 (2018).

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  • Sorrells, S. F. et al. Positive controls in adults and children support that very few, if any, new neurons are born in the adult human hippocampus. J. Neurosci. Off. J. Soc. Neurosci. 41, 2554–2565 (2021).

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  • Moreno-Jiménez, E. P., Terreros-Roncal, J., Flor-García, M., Rábano, A. & Llorens-Martín, M. Evidences for adult hippocampal neurogenesis in humans. J. Neurosci. Off. J. Soc. Neurosci. 41, 2541–2553 (2021).

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  • Sippel, D. et al. Disruption of NREM sleep and sleep-related spatial memory consolidation in mice lacking adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Sci. Rep. 10, 16467 (2020).

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  • Hourigan, B., Balay, S. D., Yee, G., Sharma, S. & Tan, Q. Capicua regulates the development of adult-born neurons in the hippocampus. Sci. Rep. 11, 11725 (2021).

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  • Schuele, L.-L. et al. Regulation of adult neurogenesis by the endocannabinoid-producing enzyme diacylglycerol lipase alpha (DAGLa). Sci. Rep. 12, 633 (2022).

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  • Piyanova, A. et al. Age-related changes in the endocannabinoid system in the mouse hippocampus. Mech. Ageing Dev. 150, 55–64 (2015).

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  • Khuu, M. A. et al. Stage-dependent effects of intermittent hypoxia influence the outcome of hippocampal adult neurogenesis. Sci. Rep. 11, 6005 (2021).

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  • Bonds, J. A. et al. Deficits in hippocampal neurogenesis in obesity-dependent and -independent type-2 diabetes mellitus mouse models. Sci. Rep. 10, 16368 (2020).

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  • Arredondo, S. B. et al. Andrographolide promotes hippocampal neurogenesis and spatial memory in the APPswe/PS1ΔE9 mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Sci. Rep. 11, 22904 (2021).

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  • Hwang, D. et al. Exogenous lactate augments exercise-induced improvement in memory but not in hippocampal neurogenesis. Sci. Rep. 13, 5838 (2023).

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  • Sanai, N. et al. Corridors of migrating neurons in the human brain and their decline during infancy. Nature 478, 382–386 (2011).

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  • Tepper, B. et al. Impaired olfactory neurogenesis affects the performance of olfactory-guided behavior in aged female opossums. Sci. Rep. 11, 4418 (2021).

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  • Bitar, M. et al. Identifying gene expression profiles associated with neurogenesis and inflammation in the human subependymal zone from development through aging. Sci. Rep. 12, 40 (2022).

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  • Kalamakis, G. et al. Quiescence modulates stem cell maintenance and regenerative capacity in the aging brain. Cell 176, 1407-1419.e14 (2019).

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  • Sharif, A., Fitzsimons, C. P. & Lucassen, P. J. Neurogenesis in the adult hypothalamus: A distinct form of structural plasticity involved in metabolic and circadian regulation, with potential relevance for human pathophysiology. Handb. Clin. Neurol. 179, 125–140 (2021).

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  • Engel, D. F. et al. Activation of GPR40 induces hypothalamic neurogenesis through p38- and BDNF-dependent mechanisms. Sci. Rep. 10, 11047 (2020).

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  • Brown, S. J. et al. PINK1 deficiency impairs adult neurogenesis of dopaminergic neurons. Sci. Rep. 11, 6617 (2021).

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  • Sánchez-González, R., Salvador, N. & López-Mascaraque, L. Unraveling the adult cell progeny of early postnatal progenitor cells. Sci. Rep. 10, 19058 (2020).

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